Where is everyone?!

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Authors Note~hey y'all  long time no post lmao.


August pov
I got up in my bed feeling real good and some what moody but guess what I was born today ha nah it's my birthday y'all, did yall tell me happy birthday on my instagram yet! Shame if you havent anyway I get up and walk into my kids rooms they aint here of course Found out I was in the house by myself I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see breakfast served and a card I pick up the card as i sit in the chair.
"Dear August,Hey Baby!! I hope you enjoy your homemade chocolate chip pancakes and the rest once your done do what you gotta do an meet me and the boys at the park venue place where you performed that one time you know what I'm talking about,dont worry about anyone crowding us I rented it out so bring your ass we are gonna be here when you get here! oh Happy Birthday baby!! ~India😙"
Awh damn she so sweet an yea she callin me baby cause we close again but we aint make it official but we official I guess its complicated but thats my baby and yes I stopped messing with Miracle ass. I'm  bout to eat my breakfast an get dress see yall when I get to the park venue.

India Pov
Hey yall I know yall dont know this but I can sing I know I know India yo ass can sing yes I can and Imma sing for August for his birthday!! Y'all I'm so nervous but at the lil get together thing in this lil park with a stage. Anyway I'm putting on my clothes and The kids already dressed im walking down the stairs now as I come down the boys just sitting in they regular spots on the couch so I tell them lets go so we leave out the house carrying some of August's gifts. when I get there I gotta call the surprise. anyway we get the stuff in the car and the kids buckle up (Jr helped Aiden) I drive off to the park stage thing.

(At the place)

once we got there the kids helped me to the table to put August's gifts down and the boys was running around playing, Aiden was trying to run, he so bow legged but Junior was running slow enough so it would be fair for Aiden. I was standing on the little stage looking out at view and watching the kids. I heard a horn I turn my attention to it, it was Cryssy and Issa, the girls was with them too. I smile big and wave at them. After they arrived more people started to come, the family you know. Melvin's little girls were there, we haven't seen them in so long, Chandra was there too, she looked so good, but you could tell something was bothering her. I got off the stage and started helping set up the tables and such. Tying balloons and strings to the table and the people that make those big ass balloons was arriving with the big HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloon. They set that up and there was a white screen on the stage and I just put a collage of August and his friends, basically pictures of everybody with August. So the stage people hooked up the music and the mic and stuff I asked cryssy if she could sing with me of course she said yes to me. It was going on 1pm we wanted to start about 3:00. I lowkey thought August would have been here by now. I was walking around making sure everybody okay and comfortable.
Chandra~"India can I talk to you boo."
I look back and I nod my head.
India~"Yeah girl wassup."
She grabs my hand leads me to this bench by the parking lot and we sit down and she faces me and sighs.
I could tell something was wrong then and there.
India~"Cha baby you okay?."
She started crying and shaking her head no.
Chandra~"I got Cancer India."
My shot open and I cover my mouth.
India~"Omg Cha no."
She continues.
Chandra~"I've been going to the usual doctors check ups taking my medicine and what not, but it seems as it I'm getting weaker and weaker, I lost majority of my hair already, and I'm just scared India I don't know what to do, and the girls...I hate for them to see me like this."
I hug her and she's some tears.
India~"How long have you had it Cha, why you ain't tell me sooner I would have went through the process with you, I would have been there ever step of the way."
Chandra~"I just didn't wanna go around telling everybody Indie, only you,Mama,the girls, and some of August, all I told him was I was really sick and he didn't ask and further questions."
I nod and sit back and think about how Chandra is a beautiful outgoing helping person and this deadly disease chose to hit her.
Then my mind drifted to the girls they already lost Melly they can't lose Cha too.
Chandra taps my shoulder.
Chandra~"I feel like imma be alright though indie don't worry."
India~"I know you are." I say as I smile and get up out my hand out for her and she grabs it.
We walk back to where everyone was hand in hand smiling. Chandra goes back to her seat.
I was checking if everything was okay but then Junior came running to me almost tripping this boy is something else.
Junior~"Daddy calling." He says as he laughs and skips away after he hands me my phone.
I swipe to answer.
(Phone convo)
Aug~"wassup I just pulled up to the venue."
My heart was beating fast as fuck, I put myself on mute and turned the music that was playing off and grabbed the mic.
I took my self off mute after everybody started scattering to find a place to hide.
Me~"Hello Aug, you there."
August~"Yeah where y'all at?"
Me~"Come to the stage."
After that I hung up.
I told the kids to get on the stage with me. Junior helped Aiden and came on the stage.
Junior~"HI DADDY."
August face lights up when he sees us up here.
August~"What y'all doing up there."
After he said that we started singing happy birthday, he started laughing. I was sharing the mic with the kids we looked silly, after we said the second happy birthday of the song everybody popped up and popped out and started singing.
He was shocked at the sight of all his family and friends. He started crying.
Me into the mic~"Awn baby."
August's mom went to hug him while still singing.
I let the boys have the mic to continue singing. Once the song was over I turned the music back on turned the mic off and helped the kids off the stage. I walked over to the food table to get me a water out the cooler, I was drinking my water when someone came up behind me and hugged me from behind. I looked down to see familiar tatted arms.
I turned around and smiled big.
Me~"Happy birthday baby." I say as I hug him.
He hugs me back
August~"Thanks baby, Damn girl you really went all out for your boy huh?"
Me~"I had a lil help here and there but other than that yeah."
He was still hugging me
August~"I love you everything you have done for me I appreciate every bit."
Me~"I love you more."
He let go of the hug and admires me.
August~"DAMN girl you look good."
He says as he grabs my hand.
August~"Do a lil twirl fa me."
I twirl around.
He bites his lip.
He get on my nerves.
I laugh
Me~"Man move." I say as I push him away laughing.
August~"What I do all u said was you look good."he say laughing
I was about to say some thing else but Issa and Cryssy came up.
Issa~"Happy birthday old man, yo ass getting old."
Cryssy~"Happy birthday big bro."
August~"Thank y'all I luh yall." He say as he hugs them both.
Issa looked at me weird and didn't say nothing. I looked back at his weird,fuck, if he gotta problem we can solve it right now.
I gave h a more stank face.
Me~"You got a problem?." I say as I tilt my neck toward him.
Which made August and Cryssy look our way.
He scratches the back of his head.
Issa~"Nah India I'm not finna go there with you."
Me~"Nah my ass fuck you giving me dirty ass looks for like I killed yo dog or some shit."
Issa shook his head.
I laugh
Me~"You know what ion even got time for goofies."
I walked away and went to find my kids.
I found them playing with all the rest of the kids.
Me~"Y'all hungry?"
Aiden nodded yes but Junior said no.
I grabbed Aiden and I went back to the food table where August nem was.
I ain't say shit to them I just got my son what he wanted to eat and sat down with him helping him eat.
I felt somebody tap my shoulder.
I turn around it was one of August's great aunts.
I smile at her.
Me~"Hi Lisa how are you."
Lisa~"I'm good baby I wanted to know if I could see my little great nephew I never seen em before."
I knew she was referring to Aiden.
I nod my head.
Me~"Sure you can,Aiden say hi to your great great Aunt."
He looks up and smiles, waves at her.
Lisa~"He so adorable, I heard you guys got two."
I nod
Me~"Yeah we do his name is Junior but at the moment he's the flash."
She laughs
Lisa~"I get what you saying baby but let those babies play watch they be out like a light when they get home."
I laugh
She waves and hugs us and goes back over to her table.
I get on my phone.
Aiden wanted to leave once he was done.
Me~"Wait Aiden take a picture with mommy."
He fussed a little but then did a fake ass smile for the camera.
And then he ran off.
He is something else.
I looked at the time it was 3:15
Welp it's time to start.
I go and get Cryssy and we tell the Dj to turn the music off and I grabbed the mics.
India~"Hey everybody."
Cryssy~"Hey y'all"
We said into the mics trying to get everyone's attention.
I looked around for August.
He was poking down at his phone as usual.
I roll my eyes.
India~"August Anthony Alsina."
I purse my lips together, I said it like I was his mama.
He looked up and laughed
He walked toward the stage a lil bit.
August~"Lord what is y'all doing now."
I laugh
Me~"This for you Aug."
I looked at the Dj for him to play the music.
I looked at Cryssy to see if she was ready, she gave me a thumbs up and we started singing a song we made up a long time ago. It was last minute switch with the song cause I was suppose perform by myself but you know I had to get Cryssy up here.
After the song.
Everyone was clapping.
Me and Cryssy~"Happy Birthday August."
We say into the mics smiling big.
August came up on the stage and hugged us both.
Me~"You wanna say some."
I gave him the mic me and Cryssy stepped back a little.
August~"Mane I see y'all just wanna see a nigga cry all night huh, (chuckles) man I appreciate every last one of y'all,I love y'all too, I just wanna put this out there, y'all know a nigga had this type of disease, called liver disease,most of y'all know what that is, and the doctor told me news I ain't wanna hear a few months back, that's when I decided to tell somebody, I told India, and since then this girl been by my side every step of the way, she been taking care of me, our children. Dealing with my bad ass attitudes, she wasn't taking no shit from me either, she ain't care if I denied one thing, this girl gone do the opposite cause she knew what was right, what I'm tryna say is, India I love and appreciate you so much with out you I would be lost and in a dark space, unhealthy, etc. you could have left whenever you wanted but you chose to stay, you had many opportunities to, you chose to stay and I'm glad you did." He says as he puts the mic down and sniffs a little.
Everybody was tearing up a little and clapping, shouting etc.
I went up to him and started hugging him so did Cryssy.
The Dj turned back on the music we let go from the hug and got off the stage.
Cryssy~"A bitch is tired and thirsty."
I laugh
Me~"Who you tellin."
We walk away from August as he was getting hugs and speeches from his older relatives.
We went to the food table and We so happen to catch kids of ours demolishing sandwich's they had all kinds of everything on they face
I shake my head
Me~"Junior, boy, why is you eating like I don't feed you at home."
Cryssy~"Marie,Girl, what the hell."
We just laugh
Junior~"What ma I was just hungry."
Me~"I asked you if you was hungry, you gone say no,(starts fake crying) I see you growing up and don't want mommy to do nothing fa you no mo."
Junior stopped eating and came up to me.
Me and Cryssy bust out laughing I love messing with Junior he funny as hell.
We grab napkins and wipe they face.
They finished eating and we cleaned up after them.
Cryssy~"Aye so what happen earlier with you and Issa."
I scoff.
We was now sitting down in a tent drinking juice, we wasn't really big alcohol drinkers. It was now getting dark outside so everybody was just chillin
Me~"Girl I don't know that nigga was just giving me dirty looks like I went into his house and stole some chocolate or some."
Cryssy shake her head.
Cryssy~"Girls something seriously wrong with that nigga for real for real."
I just shake my head and sip my juice.
It was almost time for us to pack up and go home.
Me~"You think August liked this."
I said looking down.
Cryssy~"Girl yes of course he did, you saw how many times that nigga teared up and he smiled damn near the whole night."
I smiled.
Me~"We should start cleaning up and stuff."
She agrees and we walk out the tent.
I grabbed the mic and went on stage.
India~"Can I have everyone's attention please."
Everybody stopped talking and looked at me.
India~"Sadly its time to start packing up and cleaning so we can leave, Thank y'all for coming out and can everybody help pick up the trash and everything please I ain't tryna get fined cause all this stuff on the ground aye and kids y'all help too I'll give one of y'all 5 dollars for whoever pick up the most trash ." I chuckle and turn the mic off.
I went and started helping clean up, packing everything in the cars, we ain't take all the food home we gave some to the family that had to get on the rode and travel back home. I grabbed my purse from out my car walked over to the Dj and paid him.
Me~"Thank you so much for helping us out."
He smiles wide
Dj~"You welcome and thank you I enjoyed everything y'all are so welcoming, usually the people I Dj for be leaving me starving and stuff."
Me~" you welcome (chuckles) well when you with us everybody eats."
He gave me his card and put the money in his pocket and picked up his things.
Dj~"Y'all need any help cleaning up still."
I nod my head no.
Me~"Nah we good you did enough anyway plus we half way done."
Like a hour and a half later, we were done the park was back to normal, it was kinda pitch black everybody was leaving. The kids ran up to me. Shoving trash at me telling me they got the most trash.
I wasn't finna count or touch the trash so I just gave all of em five dollars.
The kids that wasn't mine ran always to they parents.
August~" Hey y'all, y'all ready to go home."
All of us yawn especially me and the kids.
August walked us to my car he strapped the kids in and came over to my side of the car.
August~"You coming to my house tonight or you want me to come to yours."
Me~"Come to mine."
He nod and walks to his car. I make sure he was in his car before driving off.
I put on some smooth music for the ride home, it was gonna take a good hour to get back home. I look back and see the kids already knocked out. I smile and say to my self "Today was a good day."
We left before India and August,
Me and Issa drive together he claim he ain't wanna drive alone and have us girls driving by our self.
I look back in the back seat to see the girls knocked out already.
I know they enjoyed they selves.
It was just me and Issa up in the car.
He decided he wanted to drive back since I drove here.
I'm on my phone playing games and stuff.
Eh... here he go, I wanted this to be a peaceful ride back, I really didn't wanna talk.
He sigh
Issa~"I'm sorry about earlier."
Earlier this nigga had the nerve to try to pick a fight with me, but you know I wasn't going for none of his bull shit today.
Me~"It's good."
Issa~"I'm for real Cryssy."
Me~"Me too I forgive you."
He sighs
Me~"Aye you been acting weird as hell all night, you was being rude to India and shit what was up with that?"
Issa~"I don't know I just be getting bad vibes out of no where."
Me~"Toward India?"
He shook his head
Issa~"Not just her other people too, it's complicated I just don't know how to explain it."
I didn't say nothing after that.
I told Issa to drop me off at my house.
After the long drive.
We was pulling up to my house,
Me~"You want me to take the girls tonight?"
Issa~"You can."
I get out the car grab my stuff and go unlock the door I go and get the girls out the car, well Issa helped.
We put them in they room that they share at my house.
After he kissed them good night I walked him to the door,he looked tired. I wasn't gone be that mean to him tonight
Me~"You wanna stay the night."
He looks up.
Issa~"Ion wanna bother you."
I smack my lips
I grab his keys I lock the car doors, I lock my front door, and walk to my room.
Me~"Boy shut the fuck up and go to the damn guest room."
I kept his keys for the rest of his night.
When I got myself together, I got in bed and smiled to myself "To was fun."


Always will love my bestfriend (sequel to I love my bestfriend)Where stories live. Discover now