I'm Sorry...Its been too long

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Authors note~(slowly walks in) ohhhh heyy my loves missed me? Ik ik where tf you been bitch been slacking on our chapters and shit well as you may know I had let you guys know that that I had a sprained ankle and I was sick well I'm not sick anymore I just have a sprained ankle but it's all good soooo enjoy the update you may or may not like it who knowssss😊

1yr later......

India pov
Hey guys I have some news I got a new house since I was living in that hotel for a couple of months oh and guess what I found out the same day I left August.......You guessed right I was pregnant now I have a 1 yr old son he looks just like August I wanted to tell August I just couldn't face him without breaking down or killing that man and I also didn't wanna text cause how would that sound I would just be like "Oh hey August I'm pregnant and it yours" that doesn't make since to me but around in the streets I hear he messin around with miracle. The only ppl who know about my son Aiden Anthony Alsina is Chrissy,Issa and. Mama I didn't wanna tell Issa at first because he hang around August too much and he might blurt it out while they talking or something. But anyway right now I'm getting ready for this shoot I'm about to take at work I have to bring Aiden because I honestly don't like being away from him for long so I already did my hygiene and my hair and stuff so I grabbed a fully cleaned and dressed Aiden off the bed I grab my phone my purse walk out my room downstairs to the front room I put cut the alarm on and I walked out the house locking the door behind me and Aiden i walk to my car put Aiden in his car seat buckled him up I walked to the drivers seat got in put my purse and phone on the passenger seat I back up and go toward the gate put the code in the gates opened the security closed them back i pulled off and made my way to the shoot when I got there I got out grabbed my phone and purse I went and opened the back seat got Aiden out carried him inside I walk in to see Paul yelling at ppl to get in they're spots I walk over to my dressing room to see my gay assistant Cj in there on his phone he looked up when he saw me and Aiden.
Cj~"Hey babygirl how you doing,Hey Aiden omg your so handsome."He says as he grabs Aiden from me.
Me~"I'm fine how you"
Cj~"I'm good just been chillin and stuff."
Me~"oh Ight" I say as unzip my jacket revealing my tank top.
Cj~"So you uhh tell em yet."he says playing with Aiden's Curly hair.
Me~"No and you know I haven't I don't even know where he is its been a year ya know C."
Cj~"Girl you know Crystal and Issa know where he live you slacking this baby needs his father not just a mommy."
Me~"Why you keep pressuring it"
Cj~"I'm just trying to save yo ass in just saying if August find out about this baby later he may try to get full custody so you better get to it Hun."
Me~"I ain't even think about it like that but okay I'll try later on today."I say taking off my pants revealing my shorts. I walk over to my clothes rack got the clothes for today,went to the back put them on came back Cj was gone along with Aiden I walked over to the mirror straighten my hair some more then I out a lil make up then I walked out and Paul rushed me over to my station I was posing yada yada I did the shoot went back to my dressing room and then I took off the clothes and the make up put back on my clothes grabbed my phone and my purse walked out to find Cj and Aiden I found them at the food stand (Cj the dude in the picture with her in media) Cj so fat I went over I grabbed Aiden from him he told me bye and continued eating I said bye I walked out the door said bye to everybody and walked to my car strapped Aiden in the back seat got in the car I grabbed my phone took deep breath my heart was pounding I just scroll down and find his number and call.
~Phone Convo~
India~"Hey-hey August"
August~"INDIA omg wassam where you been"
India~"I just had to get my life together."
August~"you wanna meet up somewhere."
India~"Wait August yea but I gotta tell you some."
India~"promise you won't take it away pls cause it's all I have in sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
August~"India what are you talking about."
India~(Tears falling)"I was pregnant and now I have a ki-(GCO by August)
August~"So you had a baby and didn't tell!!!!"he says yelling through the phone.
India~"pls stop yelling I'm not yelling no need for you to tell."
August~"how am I not going to yell about this."
India~"Because I didn't yell when you didn't tell me about your son."
August~"How'd you know"
India~"I'll tell you when we meet up at that mc Donald's"
August~"that one down the street from ya job"
India~"Yea that one"
~End of Convo~
I started the car put my seat belt on and drove to mc Donald's when I got there paparazzi was trying to get in he must be here...I got my phone and purse I walk to the back seat unstrap Aiden I grabbed him went toward the back and a dude was there he told me to go in through this way I went inside and I made my way out of the greasy kitchen I got out side to the eating area the shades was down the lights was on and only August was in here I walk toward him I sit down in front of him holding Aiden.
August~"you look beautiful."
Me~"Thx you look....different."
August~"Alright so do I got first or do you wanna got first."
India~" I guess I'll go first."
August~"Wait before you do what's his name."
India~"Aiden look Aiden turn around (She helps him turn around and he reaches for August)
August~(Grabs him)"He looks just like me...He so handsome and adorable."he says with glossed eyes.
India~"Alright here goes...So when I saw you pushing your son I ran to the house got all of my stuff put it in my car then I went back in the house waited for Callie and I was crying Travis asked me what's wrong and i told him and he already knew and he left then you came home that's when I made a go for it to leave then when I got in the car before I shut the door I threw up I found out the same day I was pregnant with Aiden and I didn't wanna tell August I couldn't face you without smacking the shit out of you or trying to kill you....I'm sorry."
August~"It's Ight and I won't take lil man away from ya he needs his mama as much as he needs me."
India~"Thank you August."
August~"alright before we got together I had a lil baby boy I mean we was bestfriends still I had went to my old girls house and we did the you know what and I went over there because she was one of those ex's that I was cool with but we did the nasty then My son August was here I didn't want to tell you because I know you was gone get mad at me because you know I had another son and I thought you was gone say I had a son to replace Anthony (Tears fall a little) and India I STG  I would never replace or unclaim Anthony as my son he'll always be my first seed and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but pls don't take my son away from me pls just let me be in his life pls."he says rubbing Aiden's hair while crying which made Aiden hold August's face and tilt his head a lil which Made August laugh." Wassam baby boy daddy ok."
Aiden started jumping up and down and laughing.
I just smiled at them.
India~"August that's the reason I wanted you to meet me here i wanted you to be in his life."
August~"thank you... So you gotta bonfriend"
India~"Lmaoo No I don't have a boyfriend(laughs) you gotta girlfriend?"
August~"I'm talking to some one but it ain't getting to that level."
India~"Ohhh I see is it that miracle whip girl I mean idek her name."
August~"Yea it's her but I think Imma stop because look( takes his phone out of his pocket goes to app and shows me tweets and comments) you see this they all don't like her they want you back saying stuff like "Where's India" or "You guys were a great couple."
He says as he puts his phone away.
India~(Takes out phone and goes to Twitter)" well I'm getting the same thing even tho I'm not talking to anyone."
Aiden~"eeeehhhhh"he says making a face.
August~"Oh hell nawl did he just take a shit on me." He says lifting him up.
India~" Alright come to mommy." August hands her Aiden she smells his booty and looks in his pamper.
India~"Yup somebody made a poopy." She says as she grabs her phone and purse.
August~"You leaving?"
India~"Yea you wanna come hang with us for awhile the paparazzi gone"
August~"yea ill follow you."
He grabs his stuff.
We made our way back out the back to our cars with Aiden I strapped him in as I approach and opened the car I got in put my phone and purse down I started the car and my radio was playing "Body" By dreezy. I rolled my window down and put on my shades. Someone pulls up next to me and rolls down their window.
August~" I see you doing it big." He says referring to my car.
India~"Yea you to now let's go."
We drove to my house when we got there the security at the gate lets us in I park by my other car August parks far by the gate I get out the car grab my phone and purse and August walks over and gets Aiden out the car I lock the doors and walk toward the front door up the stairs. When I unlocked the door I told August to take off his shoes at the door cause I just got my carpet cleaned. He did he followed me upstairs to Aiden's room. I walk in his bathroom gets his little baby tub full it up with warm water I told August to bring him in here I grabbed him and August already took off his clothes and wiped his lil booty I put him in there and washed him up with that baby body wash  I also washed his hair once I rinsed his hair and I rinsed him off I got him out wrapped his little animal towel around him walked in his room to see August looking at his pictures and I walk over to his changing station put lotion on him and a lil baby powder on his ding ding put a pamper on him and his onesie he looked tired so I walked downstairs put him in his play pin while I made his bottle I out it in the microwave but not for to long I got it out made sure it was alright I got him out of his play pun walked back upstairs where August were I gave Aiden his bottle and I was rocking him to sleep while he was sucking on his bottle swaying side to side slowly humming to him August gets up comes behind me and wraps his arms around me and started swaying with me I liked this a lot.........I hope it can stay this way😊
Chrissy pov
I been doing nothing this whole year I been helping is with Brianna oh did I tell yall that,that heffa Jordan didn't ever come back for her baby and when I tell you this child cried all night fa her mama well believe me then Marie started crying because it was past her bedtime and Brianna was keeping her up with all her loud crying but I put Marie to sleep eventually then Issa put Brianna to sleep too we was some tired mutha fuckas because when I tell you I woke up on the counter and Issa was passed out on the steps then believe me because it's true I got Issa off the steps waking him up we walk upstairs I put him in bed when I laid him on the bed you hear cries coming from Brianna in her crib (She's one but still) Issa was about to get up but I told him I got it and I wanted him to rest I eventually got her back to sleep it was 10 am an I was tired but I had to clean the house and stuff I walk over to Issa.
Me~"Babe I want you too rest I got the girls you rest today ok baby."
Issa~"Alright I love you gimme kiss."
I bent down and gave him a kiss before he went back to sleep I kissed him in the forehead. And said "Love you too"
I walk downstairs and got to cleaning.
2 1/2 hrs lataaaa
I just finished breakfast and cleaning up I fed the girls now they taking their nap I walk over to couch and I fall asleep until someone comes and picks me up and lays me in the bed it was Issa of course.
Issa~"You rest now baby I got the girls when they wake up."
Me~"Alright baby I love you."
Issa~"Gimme kiss"
I gave him a kiss pulled away and got under the covers going to sleep not before hearing him say I love you too.
Issa pov
Man y'all Chrissy looked stressed and tired she been doing all she can to help me out and she already claim Marie as her daughter so it doesn't matter...Anyway I'm taking the girls out so Chrissy can get her rest so I woke Brianna up first got her in the shower well bath dressed her I put her on the couch and turned on cartoons and told her to stay there I went up to Marie's room she's still sleep I swear she sleeps just like crystal it makes no since I got her up I'm glad Chrissy wrapped her hair up last night cause I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway I guided her to the bathroom cause she was still sleep like still sleepy anyway I washed her just because she would have drowned her self if she would have did it her self because would have went to sleep anyway after I washed her up I got her out dressed her I took off her Bonet combed her hair down and grabbed her hand well when I got to the stairs I picked her up grabbed Brianna's pamper bag and I grabbed Brianna and we went out the front door on our way to chucky cheese......That was a fun day being with my daughters I wonder how it would be if diamond would be here with us today..

HII BABBESS I missed you guys excuse all mistakes that I made I quickly wanted you Guys to have a chapter because you guys have been wanting one for a month and a 1/2 now well idk but I'm back on my game on updating hope you guys enjoy!!!!!! COMMENT VOTE AND SHARRE THXX

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