25 pt2

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(this isn't full on smut there are no dicks going in asses today but there is a lot of sexual tension?? because a bitch cannot write smut lol)

"So where do you want me to meet you at? Do I go through the back door or the front?" Youngjae questioned, holding his phone up to his ear. Jaebum sighed on the other line, "I'll get you. Meet me in the back?" Youngjae hummed, hanging up and walking towards the back, where Jaebum was standing there, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"So, are we going to be recording something?" Jaebum smiled, "I guess you can say that." Youngjae nodded, "okay!" The two walked into a small studio, Jaebum closing the door and locking it behind him. "Okay so, I just need you to sing these lyrics?" He walked over to a folder on a small couch and handed Youngjae a small packet of papers.

Only a few lines were highlighted, and the song seemed very upbeat. Oh. So it isn't a ballad. Youngjae furrowed his brow, "I only sing ballads Jaebum." Jaebum stepped closer to Youngjae, who continued to step back, until his back pressed lightly against the door.

The older of the two leaned close to Youngjae, who was probably as red as a tomato by now. "Well," Jaebum whispered, his lips ghosting over Youngjae's, "we don't have to sing. We can do something else?" Youngjae bit his lip, "like what?" Jaebum smirked, "can I ask you a question?"

Youngjae gulped, "sure?" Jaebum grinned, "is Minghao right? You talk about me, a lot?"

Youngjae rolled his eyes, reaching up and placing his hands on the older's chest, trying to push him away, "well duh I talk about you a lot, you're my idol." The singer shook his head, "well I know that but, the other things. Beside you just being," Jaebum paused to think of the word, "soft? Is that what fans say? Being soft and hard for an idol? He says you say a lot of dirty things about me."

Youngjae's cheeks grew a bright red color, shaking his head, "no! I never say anything like that Minghao is-" Jaebum leaned in closer, his lips touching Youngjae's. The younger boy was screaming in the inside, praying to god that Jaebum can't feel his heart beating. He felt like his heart was ready to claw itself out of his chest. "So you don't want me to kiss you? You don't want to do dirty things with me?"

Jaebum thought it was really cute, Youngjae getting all flustered and red. He's so cute. To be honest, he just thought Youngjae was another fangirl running an account about him, but when he saw it was a boy, he was intrigued. It was cool! He loved all his fans equally, but Youngjae, he's something different.

Also, Youngjae has been a fan since the beginning, Jaebum checked. So Youngjae has been a fan of Jaebum since he came out as bisexual. It was nice to have fans from before him coming out.

"It's not that I'm against doing things like that but I never think about that with yo-" Jaebum grinned, pecking Youngjae on the lips and stepping away, grabbing the folder again, and grabbing another packet of lyrics out. Youngjae stood in his spot, his eyes insanely wide as he held a hand up to his lips.

"I started to write something, it's untitled, but I have an idea of how I want it to sound so far? We can work on this together?" Youngjae nodded, biting his lip and walking over to Jaebum, who now sat on the small couch.

"Give me your phone. So you don't distracted," Jaebum said quickly, handing Youngjae his lyrics and keeping his hand out for the phone. Youngjae paused, before hesitantly giving the phone over to Jaebum. "And if anyone texts you, can we mess with them?"

Youngjae chuckled, nodding slowly, "sure. Unless it's one of my siblings or my parents." Jaebum stopped, "you have siblings?"

The younger nodded, "yeah?" The older was about to reply but Youngjae's phone buzzed. It was Jackson. As much as Youngjae wanted to talk to Jackson, he would really like to write this song with Jaebum. Youngjae stared at his screen, typing out a message so it seemed like he couldn't type.

In the end, Jackson thought the two were fucking, which was something Youngjae would just dream of doing with Jaebum, and the two would just chuckle at Jackson's response, continuing writing the song together.

Youngjae didn't get to leave until around 1:31am, and he got to the company at around 8:30pm. Sure, they didn't just write, but it took a while for the two to write it. Youngjae's written many songs, but he won't tell Jaebum that. Not yet. He didn't want to have Jaebum nag him about singing to him or something.

"It was really fun writing with you, we should record the song? Talk to your boss first though please." Jaebum nodded, hugging Youngjae briefly before letting go and smiling. "I'll text you?"

Youngjae nodded, "yeah. Also, you can't just kiss someone on the lips then pretend nothing happened. I'll get you back Im, just wait. And another thing, you can't just say that I think dirty things about you! Don't listen to Minghao, he's dumb!"

At the end of Youngjae's ramble session, Jaebum could see right through his lies. Youngjae definitely has dirty thoughts about him. "Okay sure JaeJae. See you later sunshine!"


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