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Okay bitches now ur questions will be answered !1!!1


@chimkookiex asked, "how is jaebums dick?"

uhh, idk?? its doing well i assume? i havent seen it yet :/

@chimkookiex asked, "why are you so salty?"

Yuto is a bitch, and Minghao and BamBam are annoying they could be making their own sex tapes,, they both have boyfriends..

@-XiuDaddy- asked, "Who haves a bigger dick Jackson or BamBam?"

uh, I've never seen Jackson's, but i've seen BamBam's way more than I should have.. But BamBam is pretty big? Like around- *coughs* nevermind.

@gotsometrash asked, "how was it like having daddybum fuck you sensless (eye emoji pls add when editing kylee)?"

we havent fucked yet. although we have talked about it?

@chimkookiex asked, "how fast can you smack the pussy?"

24mph ;) jk I'm gay? I'm sorry. Jackson is bisexual? Ask him?

@chimkookiex asked, "have you ever deepthroated so hard you threw up and his dick?"

im assuming this is about Jaebum's dick? But i havent deepthroated him... yet. :)

@gotsometrash asked, "
Hump me, fuck me
Daddy better make me choke (you better)
Hump me, fuck me
My tunnel loves a deep throat (it do)

Lick, lick, lick, lick (I lick)
I want to eat your dick (I do)
But I can't fuck up my nails (I can't)
So I'mma pick it up with chopsticks

Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Put it so deep, I can't speak a sentence
is this you @ jaebum?"

uh what? is that cupcakke? bambam listens to her a little too much yikes

@ult852 asked, "call me a trick ass bitch or some shit. just insult me!1!! (down looking face, nose bubble,tongue, water)

well no? I only say that stuff to my friends?? so if you want me to insult you, become friends with me first! :)

@youngjaesbum asked, "TRAGIC"

whats tragic? the fact jaebum hasnt fucked me yet? relatable

@youngjaesbum asked, "will you ever top?"

no thanks,, thats so much work and i'd rather be the one getting dicked down 🤷


@chimkookiex asked, "do you love youngjae?"

no. maybe. okay yeah? but i dont really know anything about him other than he probably likes calling people daddy??

@chimkookiex asked, "is youngjae mean to you?"

NO!! hes such a sweetheart irl, and hes just really funny when he calls me a rat,, should i punish him for it??

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