Chapter 9

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Levi sighed in exasperation as he noticed the small form in the corner of his eyes. It was Petra, peeking into his room again. She had been loitering outside his door that morning for the last ten minutes, occasionally glancing inside but trying to be discreet about it. She hadn't realized Levi already knew she was there.

The man didn't know what the girl wanted, but he was growing irritated that she was distracting him from his paperwork. Levi could get up and talk to her but he was reluctant to. He didn't want to scare or upset her if he came across as rude. So instead he waited, hoping Petra would gain the courage to enter and tell him what she wanted.

Finally, after another few minutes, Petra entered the room. She was quick. There was a small thump as she dashed inside to drop something on the floor and retreated just as fast.

Levi looked over at the ground, curious at what Petra left. On the floor of his room was a pot with a single violet wildflower. A gift? For him?

The dark haired man got up from his chair and walked over to pick up the pot. Levi frowned at the gift, he wasn't a fan of flowers. Even less ones in a container full of dirt. If anyone knocked it over, it would cause a mess. He felt the urge to toss the thing even though a small part of him was almost flattered at receiving such thing.

Hesitating as he was about to upend the pot into the waste bin, Levi then thought about Petra. What if she saw that he had thrown away her gift? It might destroy the little bit of trust she had for him, or just make her cry. Neither option was appealing.

Levi looked over at the windowsill. After a minute of internal debate, the man sighed. He walked over the the window and gently placed the pot in the sunlight. The Captain decided he would throw it out once Petra was back to her rightful self.


"Can I sleep with Eren today?" Petra asked Oluo as she followed him back to the rooms. She hadn't seen the brown haired boy today and missed him. Her parents would be coming for her soon and she wanted to see Eren at least one more time before she had to leave.

"What? Why?" Oluo questioned, surprised at her request.

"He's nice and I like him!" Petra smiled as she said this, but Oluo noticed it seemed a little strained. She's been rather subdued today, Eld and Gunther had noticed as well.

"Petra, are you alright?" The older man asked, seeing that something was off.

"Well... Umm. My tummy hurts but I'm okay! Please can stay with Eren? I'll be good!" Petra pleaded, her amber eyes begging the man. Knowing he was in trouble, Oluo scratched the back of his head as he thought about what to do. How could he say no to her with that face?

"Tch. Fine." Oluo rolled his eyes at how easily he was swayed by the girl. He'd let Nifa know that she wouldn't have to sleep with Petra tonight. Eren was good with the girl so Oluo didn't feel like there was a risk in letting her stay with Eren for one night. As long as she was happy.

"Thank you!" Petra squealed in delight, running up to hug the much taller man tight. The white haired man laughed and awkwardly hugged her back. He didn't notice Petra wince in pain a few moments later.


That night, as Eren lay down to sleep, he moved until he was as far away from Petra as possible. Even if she was a child, the girl was still his superior. It was a little awkward to be sleeping in the same bed as her, knowing she would likely remember this when she returned to normal. The boy was also secretly very afraid of hurting her.

Petra didn't notice how much Eren tried to keep his distance from her. She wanted to sleep but found that she could not. Her head hurt. So did her tummy.

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