Ch. 2 House Guest

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After school

As me and Chi-Chi walk into the tattoo parlour looking for the piercer we see this really hot guy getting a new tattoo on his side of a letters SC with roses around it.

"That really cool looking" Chi-Chi said as the piercer come out and greats us.

"Hi welcome to Artistic Design (this is actually the place I got my belly button done) my name is Nate, how may I help you?"

"Yes, my friend here is getting here belly button pierced today" Chi-Chi said pointing to me.

"Uh uh not just me, she's also getting hers done since she dragg d me here" I said frustrated at her still for bringing me here.

"Okay, what is your name and how old are you two?" Nate laughs.

"I'm Chanel and this five head is Chicago but we call her Chi-Chi and we're both 18" I replied before she could say something to embarrass me in front of total strangers.

"I'll need ID and pick out which pieces you want. They are all titanium which is the best for your skin during the healing process" Nate explained.

"You are not getting blue and that's final Chanel no if's ands or buts about it" Chi-Chi said with a straight face.

"Ugh fine I'll get the silver one then" I huffed.

"Great choice, I'm getting the green one since I'm getting one done now thanks to someone."

"If someone didn't make me come here and get a damn piercing out of the blue I wouldn't have made your ass get one but look at where we are Chicago look at where we freaking are' I thought.

"I know that look and I don't care I'm glad I brought you here. Best friends are supposed to get these things done together," said Chi-Chi.

Nate walked back over to us and handed us our ID's back and told us to follow us to follow him to this room across from the jewelry counter, as we walk in we see that the room is decorated in star wars merch everywhere, "So who's first? Chi town?"

"It's Chi-Chi, like the salsa CHI-CHI not
'Chi town' not 'Chiraq' like-" I interrupt her by going first to shut her up

I laugh, "Wrong move Nate, no one gives her a nickname unless your her close friend or family, isn't that right little Windy city?"

"I hate you right now CoCo" she playfully glared.

"Um.......I'm sorry? But let's gst this started okay, Chanel lay down on this table so we can get your piercing I'm and when your ready take a deep breath in and then you'll be good to go"

When I was ready I took a deep breath in and felt a little pinch in my belly button for only a second and it was kind of gone but it soon came back when he sprayed my stomach with some kind of spray to help the healing process.

"Omg that kind of hurt like hell" I said as I got up slowly.

"Oh it looks so cute Chanel! Okay okay me next if it doesn't hurt that much!" Chi-Chi was oddly excited to get this done compared to a minute ago.

Once we were done Chi-Chi wanted to take a picture of mine and hers together and posted it on Instagram saying #BffGoals.


As I pulled up I saw an unfamiliar car in the drive behind my dad's car. 'Who the hell is here now' I thought. I get out of my car carefully to not hit my piercing on the stearing wheel. When I get in the house I hear my dad talking to someone. "Daddy who's car is parked out-" I stop when I see Stephan on our couch in a tank top and shorts, showing all of his muscles. It seems as he's shocked to see me but covers it up quickly when my dad spoke.

"Hey baby girl, you remember when I told you we'd have a house guest on Monday? I thought you were going to be home earlier to greet him when he got home since I wasn't home yet."

"But he parked behind you?"

"I asked him to move his car because you park either next to me or in the garage and I didn't know what you wanted to do today sweetie." My dad replied.

"Oh, well I was with Chi-Chi at a tattoo parlour-"

My dad lit up at the sound of her name "how's my other daughter do- wait TATTOO PARLOUR?! What the hell were you two doing there? Please don't tell me you got a best friend tattoo without me?"

Stephan is watching us in amusement " Okay, 1. Daddy that's creepy that you want one to match ours and 2. no we didn't get tattoos I know you wanted to be there for my first one but we got our belly button pierced today." I explained.

"So that's why I got a text from her to get 2 big cans of sea salt spray today before I left the store?" he asked.

"Probably and did you get my umm 'stuff'?" I asked walking away to the kitchen to grab the bag when he yelled out.

"If you mean your tampons, pads, chocolate and ice cream, then yes I got them!!!!!"


All I hear is his laughter on my way up the stairs to my room. I check my social media before starting my homework. I'm about 20 minutes into my homework when I hear a knock on my door "come in" I said.

Stephan opened the door and leaned on the door frame editing for me to look up, when I do I raise my eyebrow in question "your dad asked me to ask you where the guest room was while he headed out to get dinner for all of us" he said while staring at me.

"It's the next door to my room to your right. Your bathroom is across the hall from your room." I said as I explained the rooms.

After Dinner

After my dad said bye and headed to work I got dressed to go downstairs into my studio to practice and let off some steam. As I walk around the house i see Stephan on the couch in thr living room on his phone scrolling through I'm guessing either Twitter or Instagram. He sees me with my gym bag and asked "why are you walking around in little to nothing? Do you know what that does to a guy my age?"

"I'm going to my dance studio to practice, I always dress like this? My class doesn't have an issue with it so why should you? " I snapped.

"No need to get hostile, it was just a question damn. I rather not have to rescue you on my first night here from some creep because you want to dress like a hooker," he said and edited for my response.

"FYI my studio is here dumbass, I have it under lock and key so no one can bother me unless you page me and you'll need a code for both so bye," I rolled my eyes and walked to my studio. I punched in the code and walked in making sure to lock it once I'm in, turned on my music and started working on a new routine to show my class this weekend. What felt like 20 minutes of dancing was actually 2 hours of dancing and when I walked out Stephan pushed me against the door and kissed me then walked away.

What's with allthe boys I know missing me recently?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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