Chapter 25: We made it

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We have been through a lot these past few weeks, from Stiles getting kidnapped, to me turning into a werewolf. 

I have to admit we have pretty crazy lives. 

Sometimes I wish that it could go back to where it was all normal.

We would all still be human and maybe people like Allison would still be alive. 

I've always wondered where we would be now if the supernatural world hadn't come our way. 

I'd probably still be a sassy little bitch that always gets herself into trouble, i'm kinda glad I've changed just a bit. 

We've all learnt some valuable lesson through this epic journey that we've had. 

I now speak to mum a lot too and always wonder if she was still here, what she would think of all this supernatural drama.

She'd probably be worse then dad!

I really hope that through all the years to come, we stay matter what. 

I sat on the floor of my room staring at the window with a smile on my face. 

We beat the evil out there and we all survived. We actually did it and I couldn't believe it. 

I couldn't stop thinking about Allison and how proud she would be of us. 

I stared up at the sky and whispered "We did it Alli..........we made it" 




And that's the end of the book! Thank you all for reading this book, I reallyyyyyyy appreciate it! Thank you for all the support you guys have given me, i'm so grateful! I love you guys xoxo :))))))

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