「 C h a p t e r - O n e」

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Was it a dream? 

(Name) frantically looked around. Must've been. She was probably just hallucinating again. There was no one in here. . .

Squinting her eyes, she tried to look at her wrist in the dark. There was some strange mark.
It wasn't a dream?

 ‹ f l a s h b a c k ›  

She was drowning. At least, that was what it felt like.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard. A wolf-like figure emerged from the shadows. "Who are you?" (Name) croaked, her eyes glued to the dark-furred wolf. It was pointless- why was she talking to a dog?

"I can save you," a husky voice echoed.

"From what?" she asked, curious about the fact that an animal was speaking to her. "What do you want me to save you from?" What was that supposed to mean?

"All you have to do is make a wish. I shall protect you forever, (Name). Until I have fulfilled my purpose. My lady,"

I wish. . . 

An agonizing scream escaped her mouth as her wrist burned. She saw it. It was some sort of contract symbol. The dog held out his paw for her to see. A matching symbol was imprinted on his paw.

" I'm Charles Alastair and until you are satisfied I shall belong to you, (Name) Maria. "

  ‹ f l a s h b a c k - e n d ›  

(Name) stood up, lost in thought. She glanced at her wrist, seeing it wrapped up with some sort of cloth. 

What do you want me to save you from?

"Charles," she called with her eyes shut, holding the 'contract symbol', "save me." 
A few minutes of silence passed and nothing happened.

I knew that was foolish, she thought. Then the contract symbol on her wrist glowed. 

" Your wish is my command. "

Without another word, she was unconscious.


  ‹ y o u r - p o v ›  

A searing pain ripped through my head as I groaned. Where am I? It was no longer dark, I could see what was in front of me, now. How long has it been?

As I focused on my surroundings I slowly noticed that I was actually outside. Carriages passed by and so did people, looking down at me as if I was some sort of peasant. I was lying on the floor of an alleyway in ragged clothes, of course I looked like a peasant. 


I hurriedly picked myself up and began walking down the streets. "Charles?" I called out, hoping for an answer. All I received were strange looks from nobles and other passersby. No matter how hard I looked, he just wasn't there-

Oh my gosh,

I ran as fast I could to the gruesome sight in front of me. The sight of a black furred wolf bruised and battered up. "Charles!" I gently shook him. His body was covered in stab wounds and scars. I need to help him, but how? I quickly picked him up and rushed to the nearest person.

"Please! You have to help him!" I cried desperately, "Tch. Get lost you pathetic peasant," the man scoffed, but I could care less about his insult. No matter how many people I asked, no one would listen! Time was running out- why were these people so cruel?

"Excuse me, sir, please! He's running out of time!" Tears poured down my cheeks, Charles was going to die at this point. . .

The blue-haired boy glared at me for a while before speaking. "Sebastian, get the carriage," he ordered. A tall and handsome black-haired man bowed lightly, "Yes, my Lord." 

"Hurry up, we're leaving," Ciel called as you stood there dumbfounded. "O-oh! Thank you,"


  ‹ t h i r d - p o v ›    

"Your tea, young master," Sebastian said, knocking on the door of Ciel's office. "Come in."

Inside, (Name) sat opposite of Ciel, unable to look him in the eyes. She was lost in thought. After Sebastian left the room, she finally rose her head, deciding to break the silence.

"Lord Phantomhive. . . Why did you save me?" (Name) asked, her eyes meeting Ciel's blue one.
"Would you have preferred it if I hadn't saved you? If I had left your little dog there to die?" He replied coldly, looking down at his tea.

"Ah, I apologize. I should be grateful at all that you were there to save Charles." She smiled, unaffected by his cold words. Ciel was quite surprised to see her smile so happily. She looked genuinely happy, it wasn't forced or polite. She didn't care that he had just insulted her.

"Charles should be awake by now, I'll go check on him. Once again, thank you." She said, standing up to leave.

Soon, Sebastian came in with Ciel's dessert. "Young master, why did you save her?" He asked, picking up the dessert from the tray and placing it onto Ciel's desk. "She. . . She reminded me of someone, that's all." A short but quiet reply he gave, almost shyly. 

"Now, Sebastian, did you find out anything about her?" After they arrived at the manor, Ciel almost immediately ordered Sebastian to find out whatever he could about the girl.

"I'm afraid not, young master. Strangely, there are no records of (Name). She's been hidden quite well, it's like she doesn't exist." Sebastian replied, bowing. 


(Name) was sitting beside Charles in the courtyard, humming as she slowly pets his soft, black fur. A few of his injuries had yet to heal. "Charles?" (Name) called gently, now rubbing his patched up paw. "How come you can talk to me?" she continued, looking at his closed eyes. A quiet sigh escaped his mouth as laid his head in her lap. 

"Don't be too surprised. I'm just one hell of a dog," he said, copying Sebastian's catchphrase.

Before (Name) could understand what he meant, a cloud of black smoke appeared and as it cleared a slim, tall black haired man lay in Charles' place. (Name) gasped. His hair was the same shade as his fur in his wolf form, so she recognised him. His eyes were a deep brown, he reminded her of someone but she couldn't pinpoint who. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Charles was handsome in his human form. "How sweet of you," Charles chuckled as (Name) blushed. She didn't realise that she said it aloud.


Ciel had decided it was a good idea to properly talk things out with (Name), since they knew nothing about her. Walking into the courtyard, he saw a man laying down in (Name)'s lap. Was it an intruder? He didn't want to believe it, but a tinge of jealousy hit him. Who was this man? 

It was Charles who noticed Ciel watching the two. He stood up, dusting himself off then holding a hand out to help (Name) get up. There was a visible blush present on both Ciel and (Name)'s faces.

"It's not what it looks like, Lord Phantomhive..."

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