~•Chapter 1•~

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Everleigh's POV

"Are you sure you won't be joining us today?" My dear friend Catania asked me, sitting next to me on the bed.

I smiled faintly at her, shaking my head. "Not this time. I'm sure my father won't even notice. He'll be too busy fawning over his dear niece, Amberle, as she secretly runs the Gauntlet that he helped her train for." I rolled my eyes.

Catania only sighed, patting my hand gently. "Okay, well, the black watch will be outside your door." She leaned close and whispered quietly, "If you want to get out, use the south entrance, I'll make sure those guards are gone in two minutes." She stood and winked at our new escape plan.

It was funny how one person knew so much about me mentally, emotionally and physically. Catania could tell when I didn't want to be cooped up in a castle all day, and she could tell when I didn't want to be bothered.

I nodded and stood, throwing my cloak over my body and tying the ribbon at the neck. I slowly pulled my golden hood over my head, covering it so I went around unnoticed.

As promised, the Black Watch was gone from the south entrance by the time I reached the big wooden doors. I silently stepped outside, and took a deep breath of the fresh air that I haven't had a whiff of in days.

I jogged to the castle, then began walking as I followed the crowds of elven people as they walked toward the stands where we all were to watch the Gauntlet. I stood in the back until I heard the horn and felt Catania's hand on my shoulder.

"You made it." She smiled as I looked over, slowly pulling the hood from my head.

I slowly raked my eyes over the crowd, looking for my father. I sighed when I saw him standing in the front row, cheering as the first runner came into view.

"Yes, I did. And I'm glad I did. I would have felt terrible if I had missed Amberle." I smiled as I saw who the first runner was.

Lauren, Amberle's boyfriend. He did it!

I didn't pay attention to the next few runners, focusing on the back of my father's head. It's been months since I've talked to him, other than polite dinner conversations. It was hard for me to admit that I missed him.

I focused on the runners again as I heard cheering. My eyes zoned in on my beautiful cousin as she reaches the last stretch. I smirk as she gets tripped by another runner and they both fall.

To my dismay, I shout out, "Get up Amby! Go, get up!"

My father turned at the sound of my voice, confusion in his eyes. I saw his lips form my name, and his eyes widen.

I'm running before he can move. I can feel myself tripping over my dress and golden sandals as I run through the trees, glancing over my shoulder occasionally.

Catania is yelling for me, and so is my father.

I can't face him. Not now...not now.

I made it to the Sanctuary before I fell to the ground, panting. The Black Watch standing there moved to help me, thinking I was hurt. I held up a hand to signal I was fine, and listened.


I didn't hear my father or Catania anymore. I took a deep breath in relief before leaning back and getting my racing heart back to normal speed.

A large hand appeared in front of my face and I jumped in surprise. Looking up, I saw the worried, yet amused, eyes of my Uncle Arian.

"Come on, Ev, get up." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, frowning. "What are you doing out here? I mean I am happy to see you out and about for the first time in weeks, but we weren't supposed to be at the Ellcrys for another few minutes."

"I know, I just wanted to come and visit the tree before the new Chosen came in." I smiled at him.

He grinned back. "You were running from someone again, weren't you? Don't tell me it was one of those elven boys who ran the Gauntlet...and yes, those boys are options because, where they are fast, you are most definitely faster. I've seen you run, and I haven't ever been disappointed. You're quick on those little feet of yours." We both laughed.

I hugged my dear Uncle as the Chosen started to show up, led by the current Chosen. My Father and Grandfather followed, as well as the rest of the elves who watched the Gauntlet.

I felt Uncle Arian's hands on my head as he placed a beautiful crown adorned with rubies there. I smiled to myself as my father walked up to us.

"Everleigh, its very good to see you outside. I've missed you around the castle." He smiled and reached out for a hug.

I casually avoided the interaction, linking arms with my Uncle. "Hello, Father." My father frowned.

Arian patted my arm gently, persuading me to say something more.

I sighed. "Amberle did very well out there today."

He nodded, smiling over at my blindfolded cousin. "Yes, I'm very proud of her."

The horn sounded again, and my uncle nodded to my grandfather. "Ander, it is time to go stand by the tree for the ceremony." He let my arm go and walked toward the door. "The order is Father, me, you, then Everleigh. Clear?"

My father and I both nodded. I stood in the back, watching as my Grandfather talked to his two remaining sons.

My other uncle, Uncle Aine, had died ten years ago, when I was nine. He was the one who did everything with me. He would sit on my bed and talk with me for hours about my father and everything going on in my life instead of doing his work for the throne. He would run through the woods with me, and he was the one who began my practices at age seven for the Gauntlet, saying that I could be the greatest runner in the four lands. I loved him dearly, and still do, and I miss him immensely.

I was shaken from thoughts as I realized it was only me and Catania left outside. She untied the ribbon on my cloak and smiled at me, pulling it off slowly. "Princess, its time." My beautiful ruby red gown glittered in the afternoon light as I nervously held my head high and walked toward the door.

"Thank you Catania." I nodded to her as the Black Watch opened the doors to the Sanctuary and I felt every gaze in the room turn to me...

Their Princess.

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