~•Chapter 2•~

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Everleigh's POV

I could feel the prying eyes as I walked down the aisle toward the Ellcrys. The elven people judging my skinny figure from days of not eating, my dull eyes from days of no sleep. But I didn't care. These people-my people-could think what they wanted to think.

I bowed in front of my Grandfather as I reached the steps. "Long live the King." I said as a way of greeting.

He smiled at me and nodded his head. I made my way toward my place near the tree and my father. My father placed his hand on my back gently, soothingly.

I didn't shy away from his touch this time. I watched as the blindfolds were removed from the seven runners' eyes. I first made eye contact with Amberle. I smiled happily as I saw her and gave her a quick thumbs up.

My uncle leaned forward. "I thought you were teaching her fencing."

My father shrugged. "She's a quick learner."

I tuned out the conversation between brothers as I smiled at Lauren. He walked toward the tree, waiting to get accepted to be a Chosen.

Finally it was Amberle's turn. She walked up as people began chatting.

It's a girl.

She ran the Gauntlet?

Is that even legal?

I smiled, smug, as I watched my cousin place her hand on the tree.

I gasped in pain as visions raced through my head. So many things...I couldn't make it all out.

That was until one thing stood out and I was standing in an ashen field. Amberle was standing next to me.

She gasped when she saw me. "Everleigh? What's happening? Where are we?"

I was terrified and confused. "I don't know, Amby." I looked around. "Everyone is dead."

I took a step back, stepping onto something soft. Looking down, I saw it was the face of my father. I felt a sob wrack through my body as I fell to my knees and pushed his hair away from his bloody face. It hurt me to know that I had to see my father dead before I truly forgave him.

Amberle hugged my shoulders as she kneeled next to me.

Before she could say anything, we were back in the Sanctuary. I was really on my knees and arms were really around me. But they weren't Amberle's.

My father was holding me up as he gazed into my eyes, worry laced with confusion. "Everleigh? What's going on? What's wrong?"

I shook my head, unable to speak. Something big was going to happen. I could feel it. I felt tears run down my face as I thought of my father's face, blood streaming down from his forehead.

Turning to make sure Amberle was alright, I saw she was standing, perfectly okay, as if nothing happened. Her eyes said it all. She had really been there with me, and she knew what was going to happen.


I sat on the windowsill in my room, staring out toward the Ellcrys. There was papers thrown carelessly all around my room, drawings of what I saw in my vision today. Pictures from the field where I saw my father, and pictures of what I could grasp from the images I saw right away.

I glanced down to the picture I had just drawn, before my pencil broke.

It was a demon, wings angled out, face horrifying and deadly.

It's called a Fury.

I gasped as I heard a male voice in my head. It sounded as if the man was sitting right next to me.

Furies are dangerous creatures. Use the elf stones and find the boy.

Find the boy? What boy?

I was about to attempt questioning the gravelly voice inside my head, but the doors were pushed open, and Lauren walked in, Catania at his side.

"Catania, I told the Black Watch I didn't want anyone visiting." I could hear the sleepiness in my voice.

My two friends were looking around my room, confused at all the drawings.

"I haven't seen you draw in years. Not since-" Catania started to speak, but stopped when Lauren placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I can take it from here. Thank you again Catania." He said gently.

She smiled softly and nodded. "You owe me big now."

He laughed and nodded as she walked out the door. He turned back to face me and sighed. He picked up one of the drawings on the floor. It was another demon drawing. "Well, at least I know you and Amberle both draw my good angles." He held my drawing up next to him, pulling a laugh from my dry throat.

"Lauren, why are you here?" I question softly, standing up and walking toward him, taking the picture away carefully.

He frowned, wiping some of the charcoal off of my face. "I could ask you the same question. You are like family to me, and I hate seeing you cooped up in your room like an animal."

I sighed, ready to defend myself.

Lauren beat me to it. "Ev, join us at the party tonight. There are many people waiting to meet you."

I began to protest. "Lauren, they'll only judge me for my skinny body and tired eyes, they won't see the real me."

He hugged me, a warm brotherly hug. "Everleigh Jane Elessedil, you are perfect the way you are. Don't let anyone bring you down, you understand me? A princess always holds her head high, no matter who tries cutting her down. If someone wants to judge you or hurt you, they will have to go through me first. I'm sure Amberle and your father and uncle will feel the same way. Come down to the party. Please? For me." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Walking out, he left me alone to ponder my thoughts.

Find the boy. Use the stones.

The voice was back and it was loud. My head began to pound and pain surged through my body. I fell to my knees, my eyes clenching shut.

You have to go now.

So that's what I did. I ran.


Hey guys! So this is my new fanfiction about the Shannara Chronicles! It is my new favorite TV show and I am so obsessed! So what's better than creating my own character and incorporating her into the wonderful story of Shannara? Anyways, for this story I'm going to be doing chapter questions!

First one: Who do you think the voice in Everleigh's head is?

Answer: well, I can't tell you! That would ruin the surprise! :)

Anyways, I love you all! I hope you enjoy the story! Also, comment the date you start reading this book! Let's see how many different years we can have people reading this book in!

Love you all and thank you for reading!


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