Chapter 23 ~ Talking

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Aphmau/Jessica's POV

I woke up on a unfamiliar couch. I sat up, soon to whack heads with someone and falling back down.

"Ow!", the person groaned.

I looked up to see Adam clutching his head.

"Sorry!", I apologised as I went to touch his head.

He winced in pain, so I immediately retrieved my hand back.

"Sorry!", I apologised again.

"It's...fine", Adam responded whilst moving his hand away from his forehead.

I feel really bad...

"Thanks", I thanked him.

"For what?", Adam asked as he sat next to me.

"For catching me whilst I was running away from Max. I guess I got really tired", I explained to him.

"No worries", he said as he wrapped his arm around me.

Adam turned on Attack on Titan with his free hand and kissed the top of my forehead.

"I love you", he mumbled before continuing to watch Attack on Titan.

I love you too...

Mark's POV

Someone walked in through the door.

"Hi Amy!", I greeted her as I got up and pecked her on the lips.

She smiled.

"Hello Chica Bica", I said to my golden retriever as I petted her.

I realised that Marzia and Signe were looking at us in awe. Amy took the lead off of Chica and put it down on the coffee table.

"Hiya!", Amy said to everyone before sitting down.

I walked over and sat down next to her whilst Chica walked over to her dog bed and fell asleep.

"How are you Amy?", I asked her.

"I'm great! I met this girl on the way down here and she was really enthusiastic!", Amy exclaimed.

"What happened?", Marzia asked.

"We bumped into each other then walked down until---"

Max burst through the door, angrily.

"What's wrong dude?", Felix questioned.

"Long story", Max mumbled before walking into the kitchen.

Amy stared at him.

"What's wrong Amy?", Signe asked.

"He's the dude who was chasing Jessica", Amy stated.

Max looked at us whilst Amy said that.

"Max meet Amy. She's my girlfriend. Amy meet Max. My sisters friend", I introduced.

"YOU HAVE A SISTER!", Amy screamed.

"He does!", Signe smiled.

"She is so cool!", Marzia exclaimed.

"Sounds like the girl I met on the way down here", Amy spoke.

We continued to talk for a while then I thought...

Where is Jessica?

Aphmau/Jessica's POV

After we watched two episodes of Attack on Titan, I stood up from the couch and walked towards the front door.

Married for love at 13 (SkyMau Fanfiction) ~Completed and Editing~Where stories live. Discover now