1: lines and smiles

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"I swear on the pink horse in the these girl music video Lia if you don't hurry your lazy little booty up I'm going replace all the candy in your house with broccoli" I scream from the porch of her house to the inside of the house where my friend was currently testing how long I can't wait for her and resist the urge to snap her neck. Yes it is early in the morning but she is just taking way to long, I haven't had coffee and I was not looking forward to driving for six hours.

The answer for how long she can test me is not much longer

"I'm here I'm here Jeez woman is patience in your vocabulary" she huffs putting her small leather backpack on one of her shoulders

"No"I deadpan

"Well in that case I'm trying to not look like the troll from Dora familiar with that feeling"she rolls her eyes plopping herself in the passenger seat as I start the ignition

"Well considering the fact that I always look like a freaking queen not that either but if it makes you feel any better it worked instead you look like the baboon from Diego" I begin to drive while she sticks her tongue out to me my only response is a cheeky smile

"Whatever can I put music"

"Since when do you ask"

"Good point" she connects the Bluetooth to her phone and starts blaring taking you we both start loudly singing to each other getting in the mood for the prize at the end of our six hour journey to Nashville


I turn a corner pulling into a ledge building and park as my GPS says the words I've been awaiting to hear for months "you have arrived at why don't we concert" this is when Lia and I look at each other and ran out the doors not being able to keep in our excitement inside for any longer

We kept this energy going all the way until we found out way to the meet and greet line where we stayed just as excited but a little more nervous mostly Lia as I'm pretty sure she was shaking see she's a little shyer that I am towards new people but that wasn't the problem since we Obsessed about These guys daily her problem at the moment I didn't really know but she was shaking, and paler than Casper's vampire cousin so I don't think she's very ok even by her standards.

I on the other hand was calmer well I looked calmer I was undoubtably freaking out on the inside and if anyone would actually care to look they would see I was on the very verge of tears (of joy of course) a million and one things running through my head giving me the adrenaline and enthusiasm to sass that I needed to cooperate as a semi average human being

We were close to end of the line when the gate closed not allowing anyone else to enter the room that was when the boys came out of their covered corner of the room

This of course was not the end of everyone's favorite game of 'how long can't we make des wait until her patience wears thin and she just goes and tackles them' as we had to wait in line for another four hours until we got our turns as I looked around having nothing else to do Lia to busy freaking out to offer me any real entertainment. As I grew more weary from being sick and not getting enough sleep the night before, we approached closer and closer to the front my adrenaline re-kicking in as I got a better view of the boys specifically-Zach.

I am not embarrassed to admit I started bouncing and didn't stop until we were close to the front of the line. As I stand waiting my turn I realize jack isn't paying much attention and looks quite bored most of his concentration on his phone,and what disappointed me even more not to be selfish that Zach rarely smiled and when he did it was a plastic one he stuck on for the pictures

As I grew closer to the anticipated moment,as I was still standing in the dreaded line Zach gaze and mines coincided for a second maintaining eye contact, he broke it so quick I doubted it happened that was until he smiled for the picture, it was a soft small smile but a smile non the  less. A real smile as an affect of me. And that ladies and gentlemen is the first time Zach Herron took my breath away and stopped my heart from beating outside of a screen.

Hello everyone, how the hell I have internet is unclear to me but I'm not complaining.

Anyways what you think?let me know! something not make sense?let me know! I sound like a commercial sorry but seriously if you have any constructive criticism tell me as I know my writing isn't the best.

I'll see y'all the next chapter byeeee

Meet and greet {why don't we || zach Herron}Where stories live. Discover now