9: miss texts and awkward

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previously on meet and greet

On cue with my persistent thoughts half way through Daniel and I's conversation the rosey cheeked boy waltzed into what I have learned is the why don't we house's living room.

"Hey Daniel do you know- oh hey Destiny sorry I didn't realize you were talking to anyone I'll come back later I guess" the brown eyed boy says quickly altering his attitude from hyper and casual to awkward and slightly nervous

I let out a whisper of a "hey" as he is exiting the frame with a small wave. Daniel looks between the screen and the place his friend had briefly stood in only seconds before with a understandably confused look on his face.

"What was that all about?" The blue eyed boy front of me asks oblivious to my thoughts, and current situation whatever that may be.

"I honestly wish I could tell ya Danny but my guess is as good as yours" I answer honestly looking down  suddenly feeling slightly more saddened than before.

"You're kidding, right" I look down and shake my head. I don't know why it was affecting me this much but it did. " I don't understand though you guys hit it off so well that night then the whole ride to the next stop he wouldn't shut up about you" I blush lightly at the last part but it quickly fades away when I remember how much I'm being ghosted at the moment, he even went as far as to not enter his own living room to avoid me. How terrible must I be.

" I really don't know Seavey. He hasn't even texted me since that happened, that was one month ago and he said he would so I guess he just lost interest"  I shrug not really feeling like hiding my disappointment any longer.

" That's nonsense and you know it Des, the boy practically fell head over heels in the matter of three seconds at the meet and greet! By the time we got to the bus I bet he was ready to propose to you on the spot. No one with the feelings Zach felt towards you loses interest it's simply not possible"Daniel rambles using his hands for emphasis almost throughout the entirety of his speech. I chuckle lightly at him leaving a small smile on my face

" I don't know but thanks for trying Danny. Anyways I'm going to bed it's late over here but text me if you need anything" I wave goodbye and click the end call button once he returned my wave with a small salute. I pick up my homework I decide is to late to do anyways, grab my  night mask I use to sleep and trow myself onto my bed almost instantly falling asleep a sudden wave of tiredness taking over my body the second I come in contact with my covers and pull the blanket over myself.

Once morning arrives I am awaken my usual alarm clock ringing in my ear in my bedside table next to me. I groan and get up with my overwhelming usual level of enthusiasm I have when waking up to go to school (please note the sarcasm), I do my usual morning routine and head outside waiting for Lia to exit from her house which conveniently was across the street from mine. Just as I see her door begin to open my attention is re-directed to my phone where I had just gotten a text notification.

From: Mr.ghostmode

I roll my eyes once I read the text or rather who it was from, though I want nothing more than to reunite with the boy and reconnect what we had that night there was no way I could just let this slide.

To: Mr. ghost mode
What do you want

Lia walks my way and onto the car where she starts rambling about god knows what. It's not that I like ignoring my best friend it's just that I was to pissed right now to care.

Honestly who does he think I am some princess who will fall at his feet with one word after being ignored.

Ok maybe the falling at his feet part, but I will not let one measly text after a month show my true desperation.

"Hey Des your phones going insane" Lia says picking up my phone and reading through all the text from who knows what.

"Whatever let it" I scowl not really in the mood to care.

"Hmm let's see here 'from Mr. ghost mode, sorry about that Jack stole my phone' is the newest one. What could that- Oh shoot Des is that" Lia reads aloud a look of shock on her face once she realizes what it means

I nod slightly gripping the wheel tighter infuriated by what I had just heard

So he couldn't even be bothered to send me one simple text it took his friend stealing his phone for him to give me the most communication we have had in a month that being one text.

I swear this boy going to make me go bald from pulling my hair out and permanently red with rage all while wanting to hug him more than anything in the world.

What is wrong with me ? I think I'm dying.

It's official write up the report cause of death Zachary Dean Herron.

Too ages to write and shorter than usual but wasn't written in one sitting like usual so that's the main problem so sorry

Meet and greet {why don't we || zach Herron}Where stories live. Discover now