4:glances and enjoying

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I took my seat beside Lia where I would reside until the concert began still partially in a mixture of shock and excitement over what just occurred as I tried to steady my breathing enough so I could talk.

"Was that a dream? Am I still dreaming? Some one pinch me actually no I don't ever want to wake up" I say dreamingly sinking deeper into my seat

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure I for got how to breath" Lia let's out a short breathily laugh seemingly also in to same subconscious dream state that I'm in

I laugh along with her as we turn to each other and start a conversation on how insane that was

"I can't believe I just rejected a hug from Corbyn Besson" I shake my head not believing my previous actions not in a 'I'm so stupid how could I' kind of way more in the 'how was I able to do that' way

"I don't know but you did get your future husband to fall head over heels for you"Lia laughs

"I did not he probably won't remember me tomorrow and don't forget you just literally fell for Daniel" I bump her shoulder reminding her she wasn't little ms.perfect either

"Shut up! I do not want to go down as the girl who embarrass herself and tripped after seeing Daniel Seavey's face" he buries her face into her hands as they increase in the color spectrum from a fairly good tan to about as red as you can get

"Oh come on tomato I'm sure he thought it was adorable" I roll my eyes at her embarrassment

"Yup being a klutz that falls every two minutes and apologized to inanimate  object cute as a kitten" she laughs a real ,nice laugh which does not at all match her sarcasm

"Maybe! To bad we will probably never see them again" I sit up in my chair as the lights begin to dim indicating the actual concert is about to begin

"oh whale it was a nice two minutes at least be still have their angelic voices that we're-shoot I'm so stupid"she laughs before face palming

"What happened to you" I ask before cheering along with the rest of the crowd

"I forgot the melon" Lia shamed her head looking ashamed at herself before once again taking out the plastic container from her bag and plopping a whole melon square in her mouth

"Oh what a tragedy so tragic that you had to interrupt the moment the boys came out for it" I roll my eyes at her when I look forward and see that the why don't we boys were on the stage and I didn't see when they appeared there being to distracted by my friends sudden outburst

"Whoops" she shrugs looking forward and screaming along with everyone else in the venue

The boys start to sing air of the night while we sing along it rather yell along and attempt to dance along with them but fail greatly laughing when we bump into each other each having two left feet when it comes to dancing and almost fall. Lia was a better dancer than I because she had trained her entire life but she was never good with footing so the smooth step was one dance she couldn't master no matter how hard she tried

I on the other hand had no hope when it came to any dances

This is the best night of my life the bruises I got from being up against the railing having no affect on my mood at the moment, and just as I thought it couldn't get any better the concert went on Zach making eye contact with me a total of seven times sending shiver down my spine every single time. The other sent smiles our way as well but I didn't give them as much attention being mesmerized to by their voices and being in front of Zach Herron, plus I think Daniel was more interested in the bouncy girl next to me but she didn't notice as she does with most things enjoying herself too much. They all begin to pull out stools and begin to sing 'made for'Jonah being directly in front of us though my camera was still focused on Zach like it had been this whole time but now as he sat on a stool singing my favorite song I'm pretty sure I was drooling a bit.

My daydreaming gets interrupted by Lia slapping my arm her mouth slightly a gap pointing a Jonah he looks at me and as we keep eye contact for awhile wiggling his brows and winks at me as I was about to reply with my usual witty sarcastic comeback my real life fantasy gets interrupted by a girl slamming me against the rail making me drop my phone if I haven't caught it it would have fallen so all I could do was clutch my phone tightly to my chest in slight shock looking at Lia where she had been sending death glares to the girl looking ready to strangle her

I shake my head at her telling her I was alright and to back off she agrees but silently continue to partially growl at her

I look up recovering from the moment and catch Zach's gaze for a split second before he turns to continue singing

I put away my phone now worried for its safety and look at the footage finding that I unfortunately didn't get Jonahs wink but a little of his gaze at me.

I look back at him as he mouths a quick 'you okay' I nod and give him a soft smile probably being the only thing I can do without imploding of excitement he returns the smile before going back to the song the concert ends after they sing something different as everyone cheers one last time.

Lia and I take awhile longer to exit the venue not wanting to get squashed in the crowd until we finally decide it's empty enough and sulk in the car seats reliving the best night of our young lives.

Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long but hey it's longer than usual but anyways back to why it took so long so school re started and overall I've learned I am lost in geometry and my physical science teacher is the most annoying person out there and I really want to show her how to do her brows without a sharpie but there's good to I saw my friends again and they just restarted the cheerleading program after 16years of not having it at my school and I'm sooo excited also my U.S history teacher saw 5sos in concert WTF that is the best thing a teacher could do to get me to like them

Wow that was a long a/n and no one cares oh whale I'll see y'all later baiii

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