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Annabeth's POV

"OMG!  A wedding!" Piper squealed.  She held my hands, jumping up and down.  She was having one of her rare moments where her Aphrodite parentage started to shine through.  "This is so exciting!"  I laughed at her reaction.  She pulled me in for what must have been our tenth hug, and I took the opportunity to watch the boys over her shoulder.  They were all congratulating Percy and doing the whole "bro hug" thing where they slapped each other on the back... I've never understood why guys do that.  Piper pulled away from me, her eyes sparkling.  "Let's go see the boys."  She hooked her arm through mine and we headed over to where the boys were grouped together.  Percy met my eyes, and we both smiled at our friends' reactions. 

"When's the wedding?" Calypso asked. I met Percy's eyes.

"We haven't really gotten the chance to discuss that yet." I said.

"Well, the tenth anniversary of the end of our fight against Gaea is in, what, three weeks? What if we have it then?" Percy suggested. I thought for a second.

"Sounds good!" I decided. Another round of cheers went through the group. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Piper, looking frantic.

"Three weeks! That's not enough time!" She exclaimed. Percy laughed.

"I think I speak for the both of us when I say that we don't need an extravagant celebration or anything." Percy said, looking at me for approval. I nodded in agreement with my fiancé.

"Three weeks." Piper repeated under her breath, looking about ready to faint.  Jason slung an arm around his girlfriend, rubbing comforting circles on her back. 

"It'll be fine." He laughed.  She nodded numbly. 

"I... I need to go start planning." Piper wheeled around and walked off, mumbling about themes and different possibilities for flowers.

"Jason-" Leo started.

"I've got her." Jason raced off after Piper to talk some sense into her.  After that, the rest of the demigods trickled out one by one until it was just me and Percy.  I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Engaged, huh?" I asked.

Percy laughed.  "I mean, technically speaking, we've been engaged since that hacky sac game when we were 12."  I giggled at the memory.

"Yeah." I leaned over and kissed him. "Good night. I love you."

"I love you, too."

• • •

"How about this one?" I asked, twirling.

"No, it's not... you enough." Piper sighed. We were shopping for a wedding dress for me, and it was not going well. It was our fourth shop of the day, and it was beginning to get late. I'd tried on countless dresses, but none of them felt right. I could tell we were all ready to just give up.

"I agree," I sighed. I turned to go back into the dressing room when we were interrupted.

"Ladies," A man stuck his head in through the doorway. "Five minutes to close." Piper opened her mouth to charmspeak him into letting us stay, but I caught my eye shook my head.

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