is that aaaaaa?

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Currently writing a paper about stress:
I look up at the ceiling and see something crawling on it, "is that aaaaa... aaaa.... Rollie Polie?.... on the ceiling???🤕"
Sister, "Whhhhaaaaat?"
Yeah come look! I wouldn't be surprised if it feel down.
Sis, "if its a- oh wait your right."
What you'd think it was?
Sis, "a spider that you mistaken as a Rollie pollie"
Now why would I do that?
Sis, "cuz you've done it before."
No I haven't! At least not one on the ceiling, I might have mistaken one on the ground. I didnt even know they could climb.
Sis, "you didn't know that?"
Yeah I thought they were mainly low ground things.

Wants to write at end of paper:
I'm currently concerned with the Rollie Pollie on the ceiling.

Fun fact: Rollie Pollies like strawberries

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