Chapter 4

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35 minutes later the whole cast poured into to breakfast buffet, they were all supposed to meet at 9:30 in the main lobby but Lana , Emilie and Bex arrived 25 minutes late 'ladies problems' they called it. "I'm bloody starving" shouted Bex as she ran towards the trays of freshly cooked pancakes. "I could eat a horse" laughed Josh while chasing after Rebecca. Everyone else shot off in different directions to the plethora of foods except Jen she practically darted to the Starbucks stand situated in the corner "One low fat soy chai tea latte please " Jen beamed at the barista. Minutes passed until she was handed her coffee "Thank you" she turned to leave the kiosk when she was met with a smirking Colin "Come on sunshine" she said grabbing the corner of his grey sweater and practically dragged him to the table laid out for the cast ;they sat next to each other towards the head of the table."What's got you smiling like the Cheshire Cat?" Jen asked curiously while sipping on her piping hot coffee. "I..." Before Colin could answer her question Josh , Lana , Bex , Eddie and Adam came to the table with plates piled high with a variety of foods,"You two not eating?" Asked Lana but ultimately she was more interested in the piece of bacon smothered in maple syrup situated on the end of her fork. "I think I'm going to go get a breakfast burrito you coming Jen?" Asked Colin quickly. "yeah I could eat a burrito ". She replied and they walked towards the buffet in tandem passing Jared and Emilie making their way to the table with a plate of waffles in one hand and a steaming coffee in the other.

Jared was the first one to speak once they'd reached the table and sat down "they're totally sleeping together " he said the words without even batting an eyelid. "Jared!" Scolded Lana but ended up laughing "Whatt? I'm not wrong though am I?" He questioned.
"No son your not" laughed Eddie, the rest of the tables gazes were all directed to the source of the comment
"oh come on ," he huffed but continued
"I'll admit your all fucking brilliant actors but my god your all oblivious to what's right in front of your two eyes." He laughed and Adam accompanied him in explaining to the cast.
"they're smitten just look at them both". Everyone turned to face Jen and Colin on the far side of the room, Colin had his arm around Jen's waist and she was leaning into the side of his chest whispering something into his ear which made them both breakout into giggles while in the queue for their burritos.
Jen and Colin both turned back to look towards the table to find 7 pairs of eyes staring directly at them but the second the rest of the cast saw the gazes upon them they all immediately turned back around to face their plates, blushed and burst into laughter. "Oh shit they're totally sleeping together" squealed Jared and Bex simultaneously.
"Jared!,Bex!" Scolded Lana again.
"Shut up Parrilla they're right" spluttered Josh with a mouth full of toast.
"Hey!" Lana moaned at Josh pretending to be offended.
"Alright alright calm down your acting like Regina and Charming" Emilie laughed and everyone laughed at her response. "Can we agree not to say anything to them until they decide to tell us what's going on?" Asked Emile
"Yeah that's the best idea" agreed Lana " Remember what happened when we all asked her about her and Sebastian?" She asked.
"Yep , she wasn't very happy" said Adam.
"Even after she broke up with Seb" added Emilie.

On the other side of the hall Jen and Colin were also blushing but even more intensely, they added space between them so they were no longer touching "Shit" whispered Jen.
"Hey it's fine" he gently squeezed her shoulder through her red jumper.
"No matter what happens when we go back I'm sat right next to you so just text me if you wanna leave, okay " he said looking directly into her eyes seeking acceptance. She nodded "Thank you but you know they all totally know somethings going on between us "
"No they don't" he replied
"$10 someone mentions it before tonight?" She said dominantly.
"Done but they don't know anything, else I'm fucked" he laughed they grabbed their food and headed back to the table .

"So we're not saying anything?"'asked Lana
"Agreed" said Josh
"Yep" added Jared
"Obviously" said Adam and Eddie
Bex was to concentrated on her phone to even answer
"Of course" giggled Emilie
"Bex you've hardly said anything, you alright?" Asked Lana
"Yeah I'm fine , just liking and replying to tweets about today." She said without even looking up.
"They're coming Everyone eat" said Jared as he stole a piece of bacon from Lana's plate
"Oi!" She shouted as Jen and Colin approached the table.

Jen and Colin walked to the table and put their plates down and sat back in their original seats.
Bex locked her phone, put it down on the table and looked Jen square in the eyes "So are you two together or what?" Bex asked quite abruptly but it clearly wasn't meant to come out like that. "Bex" the whole table scolded and moaned.
"We agreed not to say anything" Emilie not so quietly whispered
"No! You all agreed I said nothing" she replied sassily.
"Sorry" Josh replied quietly "we were just wondering what's going on with you two" he politely questioned.
"You shou-" Colin started but was interrupted by Jen.
"It's fine guys,seriously I get that you all kind of got suspicious of an 'us'" she looked directly into Colin's eyes. Under the table he gently placed his hand over hers on her thigh and nodded. He leaned in to place a gentle chaste kiss on her temple which was their personal way of saying there is an 'us'
"So,you're not mad at us for talking about it?" Emilie questioned cautiously
"No but just give us some time before we do ... Anything" asked Colin
"Please" pleaded Jen
"You two are ridiculous of course we'll give you space" added Eddie
"Lana Bex no teasing" Adam said as his eyes darted to them.
"Aye aye captain" they both said in unison. The whole table burst into laughter
"I told you so , all of you" added Jared, sounding really pleased with himself.
"Okay kid. Adam what time do we have to leave ?" Questioned Jen
"11:30" butted Eddie
"Shit its 11:05" shouted Bex as he and Lana go up from the table.
"Let's go" said Emilie as they all ran from the table and up to their rooms.

Jen reached her room with Colin , everyone else had gone into their rooms and he held her up against her door and kissed her passionately she moaned quietly into the kiss until he pulled away. "Mmm we can pick this up tonight sunshine" he said " I need to go and get changed into my clothes for the con." He added
"Bye cutie" Jen said as he walked away and she turned and went into her room. She walked into the bathroom and took off her black jeans and her red sweater she'd worn to breakfast and changed her bra to a nude Lacey one and her pants to matching ones. She applied her deodorant and washed her face then walked into her bedroom and put her long flowery Chinese style dress. She went with light and airy make up because after all they were in San Diego and it was 23 degrees Celsius. Jen looked up at the clock 11:24 it read so she texted Lana
'Are you ready -J'
'Yeh Em's just putting her shoes on come down-L'
'Okay I'll be 2 minutes I just need to put my shoes on-J'
'Kayy.Mwah! -L'

Jen put on her black heels and made her way down the stairs to the girls' room and knocked on the door "Coming!" She heard shouted just before Bex opened the door in her leopard print dress "Ready?" Asked Jen "Ready" replied  all 3 girl as they walked out of the room one bye one.
They chatted in the lift on the way down about plans for Lana's wedding and basically whatever Jen could do to avoid the conversation hitting her and Colin. The lift dinged and they all stepped out when Jen spotted Colin she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and he jumped with surprise and turned his head to face the body behind him.  She leant up to kiss him in front of all the cast and staff in the lobby.
"Finally" Ginny screamed through Josh's phone on FaceTime because he'd turned it to face the new couple and their first time kissing , just them Colin and Jen not Emma and Killian in front of people. 

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