Dark Rebellion: On Character Design

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Kayda watched silently from above. The night was cold, the wind was real, and she was ready for some action. Her extra deck case pulsed at her side, but she pulled her shirt down over it and chose to ignore it. If she wanted to be lectured by a duel monster she would have made more fusion friends, since their monsters never seemed to shut up either.

She sighed and adjusted her perch on the branch she was squatting on so that her legs were dangling over the side. She was never able to explain it, but she always seemed to be perfectly at home in trees. It was almost like part of her bloodline was obsessed with birds, so much so that they even started to look like them a little. It was an illogical conclusion, but it was the only one that she could come up with.

Sometimes she even felt the impulse to squack and buy more bird themed Duel Monsters cards than she could afford. It was very weird, and there came a point where she couldn't even blame herself anymore. It had to be genetics, or something messed up like that.

Down on the ground below, a Hot Topic gift card sat wedged in a tree stump next to the walking path. It was a crude and obvious trap, sure, but in this dimension, how edgy you looked sometimes could mean the difference between life and death. The Cast Away dimension was the official name, but most people called it the Hot Topic dimension to spike the higher ups. Some people would kill to look like an emo badass, and not just depressed school kids, or nerds who think they are better than other nerds. Anyone would fall for that trap. Free shopping trip at Hot Topic was too tantalizing to pass up.

But Kayda wasn't just looking for anyone. No, she was keening to find a specific breed of broke, emo, and desperate. She was looking for duelists -- they were always the first to bite, even when it was the trap was obvious, and the card was Duel Monsters designed. They spent so much of their money on trading cards, duel disks, duel disk maintenance and other stuff like that, that they almost never had the money for an edgy go to look that even the most mediocre badass wannabes could accomplish.

And in a society where elegance is only outweighed only by the power behind your punches, most under classed duelists had to choose between their decks and the face they put up. Few got both, unless they were rich, or fortune enough to make turtle necks look edgy.

That being said, it was still a stupid plan and Kayda was 100% aware of that, but since this was a stupid fanfiction, she could ignore how ridiculous it was because it worked at least 65% of the time, and according to many copious amounts of professional statisticians, anything above 15% was considered good odds.

The pulsing in her extra deck case intensified, so much so that the lip flipped open and one of her cards popped out from the deck, flashing purple impatiently as it did. Kayda sighed and pulled the card out from the case. "What do you want, Dark Rebellion?"

Are you going to summon me today? I'm really tired of getting cooped up inside that box. Your extra deck monsters are a bunch of pricks. The dragon's voice echoed through her head like a boom older than time. Any other person would have been intimidated. Kayda was used to it by now.

"I seem to recall all of them saying the same thing about you, DR." She leaned one shoulder against the trunk of the tree. "I don't have the deck to support you. You know this."

Bull crap. All you need is two level four monsters and a will to summon my gorgeous bad self to the field. But, noooo...If you want a deck that supports me so bad, then get one! You hunt numbers, not polymerization cards. And it's not like you're saving for college, because heaven forbid the main character of a yugioh show show any interest in higher education – so you should be able to fund a deck. Where does all your money go if not towards Duel Monsters?

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