Dragons Want In: Define Filler Duel?

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"First, I summon, level four, Wight Writer: Depressed Poet," Kayda announced as she slapped a card onto her disk. A skeleton in a black hoodie and some frayed friendship bracelets appeared on her field holding a worn out copy of the Death Note. "Whenever this card is normal summoned, I can add any Wight Writer's spell or trap card from my deck to my hand." The screen of her duel disk flashed as it displayed all the different spells and traps she had available in her deck.

Look, there's a level four monster, Dark Rebellion stated pointedly. Now get out another one and summon me.

She selected one card and added it to her hand. "Then I set two cards face down and end my turn." Kayda glared with purpose at the stranger in the hood. He didn't seem phased by the fact that her deck archetype was something created by a penguin (a very chill one) in a Discord chat, instead he seemed calm, too calm for her liking.

The voice in the back of her head was telling her to leave while she still had the chance, but for whatever plot related reason, Kayda was a Number hunter, and she needed his number – and for more selfish reasons than the last main character Number Hunter that existed in Yu-Gi-Oh! There was no way she was backing out now, not after she jumped out of a tree to get the better of him. It took effort to be that epic, and she wasn't about to let it go to waste.

"My turn then." It was hard to tell in the dark, but it looked like her opponent was inserting a card into his disk. Her suspicions were confirmed when he spoke. "I activate the spell, Light's Howling from my hand!" He held up another card, face up for her to see, but before her eyes could focus, he flipped it away and inserted that into his disk as well. "By sending one card to the graveyard, I can send one of your set cards back to your hand and deal you 400 points of damage!"

Kayda grimaced and took a startled step back as one of her cards returned back to her hand. A swift wind blew down the path, and her life point counter dropped to 3600 with a gut lurching beep. "Damnit," she growled.

But he wasn't done. "Next I activate another spell from my hand, Abandonment's Final Hope. If a monster card was sent to the Grave due to spell, trap, or monster effect this turn, I can special summon it to the field in defense mode void of its special abilities, and with its attack and defense points cut in half. Come on out! Photon Magnetism!"

There was no way to see into his Augmented Reality. There was no way to know how big it was, and she couldn't even tell what it's defense points were. Kayda glanced nervously at her 1400 attack point, Depressed Poet, before referring to her disk to check his card. Her stomach sank a little. Even cut in half, his monster's defense points were equal to Depressed Poet's attack. She frowned.

Kayda...that's a level eight right there, first turn, no release -- and he sent one of your traps back to your hand in the process. I wouldn't mess around too much with this guy. Summon me and get this over with so we can go home and bitch about that Netflix Death Note movie that neither of us have seen yet.

"I don't think he's done," she growled through her teeth.

"And you would think correct." Even the stranger's voice appeared to be grinning. "When Photon Magnetism is successfully summoned, I can bring out another monster with the same level without a release. Come on out! Level Eight! Magnetic North Pole!"

Kayda didn't even have to check her disk, because she knew what he was doing. If her first hand hadn't been so lousy, she would have done the exact same thing.

"Xyz summoning is the best summoning," her mother's voice echoed through her head.

"Not now, Mom," Kayda snapped.

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