Chapter Five

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Repeat Day 4

Jimin's POV

October 18th 3:57

"Why are we running to the bridge?" Yoongi asked me as we started running to the bridge almost out of breath.

"Because no matter what she's going to fall off the bridge. We keep changing time and yet somehow every time she ends up dead. If I somehow hold onto her maybe she won't die." I shouted as we kept running. Even though I was two hours early I had some plans to do. I was going to tie a rope to the edge of the bridge to me so for when she gets here I can hold her down until six o'clock passes.

Once we were done it was almost time for her to get here making me nervous. I kept a eye out for her as a crowd of people started walking by. In the crowd I saw her making me smile. I started running after her when in a flash she was gone. I started looking around when I heard the screams. That's not possible! I quickly turned around to see her standing on the edge of the bridge. That's not possible! She was just standing in front of me! How did she get over there? I heard a loud splash and once again I felt like I was to late.

"How did you know she was going to jump?" Yoongi asked as he watched me untie myself with the rope.

"I've already told you. The day keeps repeating it's self over and over again. Little by little the day is changing, but at the end of the day at six she's always falling off the bridge. I don't know how to fix it." I spoke throwing the rope over the bridge.

"Maybe try just letting her go. Maybe she's meant to die and you can't let it go." Yoongi spoke as he started untying the rope from the bridge.

"I don't think so. Later the first night it happen I asked to try and save her once again. What if I'm getting that second chance and I still keep messing up?" I shouted as tears fell down my face.

"Then let's try it again. Okay." Yoongi said smiling a little.

Repeat Day 5

This time was going to be the last one and I was going to make sure it was. Today I got my friends and I to miss school to help and save her. Today was the day she was going to live to October 19th.

"Yoongi are the boats down below?" I shouted at Yoongi.

"Yes!" Yoongi shouted back as he started walking back up the bridge. Jungkook ran right passed him running to me with a large rope in his hands.

"Two boats on both sides and with two lifeguards on board. Taehyung is working on getting the medical supplies just in case she's really hurt. Everyone is mostly done with everything and it's still one hour away until six. She might live through this." Jungkook spoke smiling a little. I just looked down at the ground wondering if I might really save her this time or not.

I looked up to the sky to see two birds flying by as I found myself smiling. I wonder why I'm given these chances to save her like this.  And I wonder why it's just me that can remember. I mean thankfully Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook don't think I'm crazy. They understand how much this really means to me and how I want to save her.

I looked down at my phone to see that is was right on time. I looked around to try and find her but I couldn't find her anywhere. I started running around when I knocked someone over.

"I'm sorry." A small voice spoke from down below me. I found my eyes just staring at her. It's her. It's actually her. I just literally ran into her.

"JIMIN IT'S TIME!" Hoseok screamed from the side of the bridge. I looked back down at the girl as she started to stand up.

"Please don't think I'm crazy but I need to do this!" I shouted as I threw myself on top of her. I held a tight grip around her arms as she started yelling at me to let go. But I never let her go making me smile a little. It's working. I found myself holding her tighter as I heard Taehyung shouting behind me.

"TEN MINTUES HAVE WENT BY! SHE'S ALIVE!" Taehyung shouted making me smile. But for some reason I didn't want to let her go. She felt so small in my arms and warm. I love the way she smells and the way her body fits perfectly in my arms. I know I sound creepy, but it's like I've known her all my life. Something about her is making me feel like she's apart of me.

"Let me go now!" She screamed one last time as she tired pushing me off of her. Even though I didn't want to I found myself letting her go slowly making my heart break slowly.

"Look please understand me. I wasn't trying to hurt you. If it makes any sense I had a feeling you might jump off the bridge. I know something is bothering you so bad that you might want to end it all but don't do it." I spoke staring in her eyes.

Just like that day she had the same brightness in her eyes but the rest of her looked like she was destroyed. Today she looked like she was a second from crying her heart out. I don't know why but I want to make her happy so bad. Maybe this is faith that I keep finding her here, trying to save her.

"How did you know-" She spoke softly.

"I've been repeating this day over and over again trying to save you. This is the only time I've talked to you. And I guess you are safe because it's almost twenty minutes passed since you were supposed have died." I laughed smiling at her.

Maybe this time I can make you happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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