Chapter 3 - A Dinner

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Thalia's pov

After Stuart gave me water and a Advil he left, I sighed falling back into the bed. I closed my eyes slowly curling up on my side into a ball looking around this prison like room. The reason I sighed is beside Stuart had told me why I was here, my purpose of being here was basically being a maid for Murdoc, waiting on his every hand and fucking foot. After he had slapped me it didn't faze me much since mom abused me a lot, so I guess I was use to it, but I couldn't tell that he was much worse then my mom. Mom only did it when she was snorting coke and came home higher then an astronaut. But other then that she just told me and my brother how useless and how much of fuck ups we are.

There was a knock at my door, my head shot up towards it as I thought it was Stuart. I leaped out of bed and skipped towards the door. Opening it with a smile then realizing it was Murdoc my smiled went to a glare, I sighed in annoyance.

"The fuck do you want?" I groaned, a grin spread across his face.

"Well, I assume you've already met face-ache, even though I told him not to go see you he did and I beat the shit out of him for that, anyways cook dinner and be fast about it." I was truly disgusted by this man but worried for Stuart.

"Is he ok?" I asked worry laced in my voice. He chuckled evilly.

"Let's just He's not, now go make dinner, slag." He snapped taking a fist of my hair dragging me outside my room. I let out a whimper trying to pry his fingers off my scalp. He let go then grabbed my wrist leading me to the kitchen. I ripped my wrist out of his grip giving him a glare as I pushed past him towards the kitchen, walking in front of him. Then stopped dead in my tracks as the impact of a hand on my ass ran trough my body. I fell to ground gripping my most likely bruised ass.

"Ow, ow, ow..." I whined, then a hand gripped my hair again as Murdoc bring me to eye level staring holes in my eyes.

"Ok, maybe the slap from earlier and talk wasn't enough, I fucking OWN you, slag. You will respect me, so when you show attitude such as that you'll get punished! Do you understand me?" He spat through gritted teeth, pure venom in his voice. Tears brimmed my eyes as I nodded swiftly, he smirked "Good girl." He let my hair go patting my head like I'm some sort of dog. I wanted to snap at him but that would just get me in trouble.

After I was done dinner Stuart came in and looked absolutely terrible, a big black eye, cut marks and bite marks all over his neck. He was limping as well. As he stubble in he was about to fall so I rushed over to him helping him to the table. Murdoc grunted in annoyance at my caring for him, I rolled my eyes mentally as I sat Stu down in his chair then went back over to the kitchen getting the plates and dishing them up.
I set there plates down then proceeded to walk out the room until I was stopped.

"Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?" Murdoc's voice rang in my ears shivers running down my spine.

"T-to my room?" I answered. He gave me a glare, "Sir." I corrected myself, his glare turned to an amused look.

"You're not gonna eat?"  His voice condescending. I looked to the ground my wanting to make eye contact with him, especially with that smirk plastered on his face.

"I-I'm not really hungry, s-sir." I said in a soft voice.

"Sir? I like it, got a nice ring to it." He cooed putting his hands behind his head leaning back in his chair, placing his feet up on the table. I felt, gross, and even though he hadn't touched me, other then slapping my ass, I felt violated just by his words. I felt...dirty, so I thought a shower would be the best solution. I was allowed or not was the problem though. I knew there was a bathroom built in my room but...I didn't want Murdoc to get mad at me for disobeying.

"C-can I have a shower sir?" I asked in a shaky voice, his eyes darted towards me and a grin ear to ear spread on his face, he kind of looked like that shark from finding Nemo.

"Sure." He said, grin still wide on his face, I felt unsure and uncomfortable but I wasn't going to go back now. So I nodded walking out of the room, feeling Murdoc grin widen as I turned around as his eyes burnt holes in the back of my head.

As I stepped into the bathroom, locking the door checking it a couple times to make sure, paranoia filled my head like helium fills a balloon to point of it exploding. I cautiously began taking my shirt off, throwing it to the ground left only in my dark and light purple stripes bra. I suspiciously looked to the door again, then creeped over to it checking a third time making sure it was for sure locked, it was and it doesn't have a lock on the other side of the door so I felt a feelings of relief wash over me.

I sighed in relief "Ok Thalia, stop worrying, he can't eat in the doors locked." I whispered to myself as a happy feeling filled me as I began reassuring myself that things were fine, then heard a bang from outside, "Happy feelings gone." I threw a towel just across my chest unlocking the door then opening it leaning only my upper body out, "Whose there?!" I yelled, then watched Stuart stand up ridding his head mumbling an 'ow' then noticing me.

"Oh! Sorry Thalia, I fell while I was trying to put a new pair of clothes on you're bed." He said, he was so...innocent. I put the towel down not really caring it Stuart saw me then walked out into the room towards him. Then looked at the clothes he had for me folded neatly in his hands. It was one of his shirts that sad 'Swelly Maps' on it and a pair of black boxers. I smiled at this.

"Sorry if you don't like it, there's not much I could give y-" I cut him off by hugging him, he seemed surprised at first.

"Thank you." I whispered into his chest. He then relaxed hugging back petting my hair softly.

"You're welcome Thalia, anytime love."



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