The way she thinks.
The way she talks.
I just love the way she talks.
So improper and fast.
She always had a really goofy smile when she spoke.
I thought it was cute.
Of course.
Her mind is such a wonderful place.
I wish I could know what she thinks.
Why she likes the color yellow.
Or why she doesn't see the way I see her.
I wish she could know what I think of her.
But she can't see what I see.
Or what goes through my mind when I hear her name.
No one can. Just me. In my own bubble.
I wish I could pop it some days.
I think too much.
I think about cats and cake and what someone thinks of me.
I hope someday, somewhere there is a person out there that will think she's the most beautiful girl out there.
Because I sure do.
I think she's beautiful in every way.
Even her mind.
She Wants to Save the Bees
Puisi"beau·ty" noun a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. "I was struck by her beauty"