Title: Code: ZERO
Genre: Science Fiction
Plot: In the future, where technology has advanced highly around the world. Corrupt, hypocritical and idealistic government workers infested the world with the use of said technology.MC1 is the younger sibling to a government worker (MC2) who is currently trying to clean the corruption. Their parents had died in order to cover up an incident that happened lead to a corrupt government official's work.
MC1 is a skilled hacker that has used their skill in order to 'purify' the corruption. However, MC1 views their sibling as naïve and foolish to think that they can change the corrupt government from the inside.
Because either they will die trying or get tangled in the web of corruption and become one of them.
So the hacker became famous and was nicknamed "Zero", and MC2 was in charge of dealing with Zero.
And MC1/Zero is trying to figure out who killed their parents.
A/N: Inspired by Makoto and Sae Nijima from Persona 5 and Lelouch Lamperouge/vi Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass.
The one that murdered their parents must be someone high up to even cover up something that Zero couldn't hack. They can be used as an antagonist.
The symbolism and philosophy of this is that MC1 looks to the past and wants vengeance, while MC2 looks to the future and wants change.