Title: Crimson
Genre: General Fiction
Plot: MC1 is cursed with bad luck. Ever since the day they were born, their mother died. And their father was a drunkard that abused them.And as they grew older, their bad luck became worse. So, they ran away with their signature red cape.
And everywhere they go, they bring death.
To every village, town, city and kingdom they go. Even animals die. They became infamous, and they were named "Crimson".
The king of a nearby kingdom sent his assassins to kill Crimson, but they died. The Crimson became a larger threat than ever.
So, there were 7 kings of 7 kingdoms at were willing to kill Crimson.
However, Crimson grew darker. For they had thoughts of suicide, when they know that they cause all the death around them. But, as he was attempting suicide, MC2 came in, they seemed ineffective to MC1's bad luck.
They grew closer together, traveled lands together and that's when MC1 fell in love with MC2.
The 7 seven kingdoms have took notice of the new partner of Crimson, so one of the seven kingdoms captured MC2.
When MC1 realized that one of the 7 kingdoms had captured their beloved, they would have to face every single kingdom to find them.
Each of the 7 kingdoms represent the 7 deadly sins. Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed/avarice, gluttony and lust. Specifically in that order.
And each kingdom, is after their head.
A/N: Inspired by the classic short story "The Masque of Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe and Dante's Purgatorio from the Divine Comedy by Dante.
The order of the seven deadly sins represents Dante's way of climbing purgatory, repenting for your sins and reaching the promised paradise.