Bite nine

191 18 13

My muscles contract in protest as Eli and I struggle to lift the dead guy off Sher's blood soaked bed. The Stanley knife is embedded in its eye socket and neither one of us bother pulling it out. It's too small to really be considered a decent weapon against these monsters. We really do need to find some good weapons, I think absentmindedly. We haul his body out of the threshold, dumping him a few metres away from the rooms entrance. My mind is too tired to feel remorse for the harsh treatment, at the moment. I'll feel guilty later, I reason.

My thoughts return to the weapons situation. A gun would be handy for tight situations. Ooohh, and knives. Knives would be perfect to take out lone bastards like that one. My eyes land once more on the dead guy before I re-enter Sher and I's room.

She's sitting down on my bed on the opposite side of the room, hands cradled in her lap. She's scrubbing the dried blood, on her palms,  furiously with her fingers. I see Eli heading over to the window to draw the blinds but I quickly grab his wrist, stopping him. He looks at me questioningly and I hurriedly explain. "Sher doesn't know about what's happening outside yet. We need to break it to her gently. If we just shove her right in the midst of it without any warning, she might freak the fuck out on us. " I whisper low enough so Sher won't overhear.

He nods seriously, taking a seat on the end of the Sher's bed, avoiding the blood patches, and looks at me expectantly. I roll my eyes. I guess this is his way of saying that he's going to leave it up to me.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" Sher finally speaks, staring up at me with mascara streaked eyes. Her purple pyjama set droops dejectedly on her hunched form, wrinkled and teared in the places the thing had grabbed her.

Now's my chance I guess. I take a seat on my big, puffy duvet on Sher's right. I frantically try to gather my thoughts in my head, trying to think of the best way to tell her. I clear my throat before beginning. "We can't call the police Sher." Her questioning eyes probe mine for answers almost instantly. "Um okay, look. Neither one of us..." I start, gesturing between Eli and I. ..."know what's really going on. All we know is that there are a lot more of those... things outside and most likely all around the city." I look at Eli for confirmation and he nods solemnly. Jesus does this guy ever speak?

Sher glances between us, her eyes a mixture of disbelief and fear of the truth. "There are more of them!?" She asks, sounding horrified at the thought.

I nod hesitantly. "We're not sure how they all got like this but I'm guessing it's some sort of epidemic. It's the only thing that makes sense."

Her hands slowly rise to her mouth, eyes beginning to water. "Mom and dad?" She asks, looking up at Eli, voice quivering with emotion.

The worry lines return to his face at her question. "Mom rang me at my apartment before the phone lines went dead. She said that men from the military were evacuating her and dad from the city because of a gas leak in the area. She said she would ring again when they got to the location. About an hour later was when I saw all the shit going on outside my window, so I got in my car and came to get you. I tried to ring both you and mom but by then all the phone lines were already out. Most likely over loaded with incoming calls. "

My mind flashes back to when I tried to call the police in the hallway and the message about 'all the lines being busy' played through the ear piece. It all makes a lot more sense now.

She blows out a huge breath of air, trying to compose herself. Wiping the tears from her eyelids, she stands up and makes her way over to the window. We don't stop her as she pulls open the blinds. She's going to see it eventually, it might as well be now.

She gasps as she takes in the courtyard. There're so many of them! Even more than there was when Eli and I made our way through it only a little while earlier. The oncoming darkness only serves at giving the whole scene an even more ominous feel. The black plume of smoke from earlier is even bigger, also. There must be a building on fire in the city...

Sher backs away from the window until her legs hit the bed next to me again. She plops down, mouth agape. "It's true... This is actually happening..." She whispers, completely in shock.

Eli and I both stare at her in sympathy as she processes everything we've just told her. "I take her hand in mine and make her stand. She follows my lead without speaking, eyes still scrunched in confusion.

I pull my duvet cover back and help her into the sheets. She lies down, whispering an almost silent thank you and let's her shocked brain fade into unconsciousness. Oh how I wish it was me who was sleeping right now! I am beyond tired!

The next fifteen minutes are filled with tired grunts as Eli and I remove the bloody mattress of Sher's bed frame and replace it with a fresh one from one of the unlocked dorms down the hall. I hunt down some fresh sheets, a new blanket and a clean pillowcase before making the bed up to decent standards.

I'm just about to get into the amazing looking bed to get some glorious sounding sleep when I catch my reflection in the mirror. Oh god! I look like bloody Mary! My clothes are covered in blood, sweat and tears. Literally! They cling to my body in dried clumps. My usually light-brown hair is dark-red with dead people blood. Fuck! I'm absolutely disgusting! My nose curls up in distaste.

I am desperate for sleep but there's no way I'm getting into bed like this. Ughh! But I'm so tirrredd! I have a mini tantrum in my head. After my mini meltdown, I finally come to a hesitant conclusion. Shower first, sleep after.

Eli says he's going to find himself a mattress for the floor and I take the opportunity to gather some fresh clothes and the supplies, for my trip to the showers. I excuse myself from the room making sure that the door is tightly shut behind me. I know Eli isn't far away, but I'm not taking any more chances with Sher's safety. She's too important to me.

I make my way down the hall and to the entrance of the dorm room Eli's stripping. I quickly let him know where I'm heading. "Want me to come check it out with you?" He asks, sounding slightly concerned.

"I'll be fine." I assure him, desperately trying to conceal my blush. There's no way I can be in a room full of showers with him. My thoughts will roam to things completely inappropriate and my whole plan about, 'resisting the fuckboy', will blow up in my face.

He hesitates, looking unsure. "Hmm, Alright, but be careful. Knock on the door and listen for noise before you go in and shout if you need me." He finishes, leaving no room for argument.

His concerned tone confuses me, but also causes butterfly's to flutter uncontrollably in my stomach. I manage a yes in reply before continuing on my way. My face is burning with embarrassment and I struggle not to fan it as I walk away.

I shuffle past another door with some familiar sounding growls resounding through it. I make a mental note to not go anywhere near that room in the future. Those biting monsters are scary! A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. Oh, maybe that's what I'll call them. Biters...

I say it out loud, judging the way it flows. "Biters." Hm yeah, it fits.

Knocking and listening before entering, I set my things down on a bench outside one of the stalls. Time to hit the showers.


You're welcome for a super fast update :) Drop bite nine a vote guys!

I've decided on the character for Sher. I imagine her looking like Octavia Blake from the tv series, 'The 100.' Picture in this chapters header.

P.s. Should I do a steamy shower scene between Eli and our main bitch Brookie? What do you guys reckon??

Thanks for reading people! <3

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