He wanted me.

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"I want to make a lot of money off of you, Lorelei. So don't give her any shit. Understand?" Edgar, My Master Glares, and I nod.

"Yes, Master." I reply.

"Don't move." The woman yanks my hair, But I don't cry out in pain. I've dealt with much worse. She styles it in a messy bun, and then starts working on my clothes.

"Why are you selling this one? She Obey's like no other." The woman asks Edgar, as she strips me out of my clothes and replaces them with a short, slutty black dress.

"She does obey. She does listen. She does whatever I want, Sometimes without hesitation. But..she doesn't have that fight anymore. Lorelei has  given up. She's no fun. I want someone who fights back, Someone to chase..She's not cutting it anymore." Edgar sighs, And I keep my expression the same.

• • •

"They're starting any minute! Go!" The woman pushes me out the door, and I start walking towards the stage-But I'm pulled back when Edgar yanks me toward him by my arm.

"I'll be watching. If I don't see you smiling I'll come up there and rip out your teeth myself." Edgar threats, and I nod. He walks away, and I follow the other girls toward the stage. Unable to keep my balance in the six-inch heels I'm wearing, I trip and fall-But right before I hit the ground..Someone catches me in their arms. I stare at the Dark haired man, With electric blue eyes staring into mine.

"I'm Sorry." I say, My voice low.

"That sounded nowhere near a thank you." He says boldly, watching my every move.

"Of course. Thank you." I say, Ny voice barely above a whisper.

"That's not how I'd like to be thanked." He grins, And before I can reply, He pushes me up against the wall, Pinning me down-Crashing his lips into mine. He slips his tongue into my mouth, And I kiss him back instinctively. His hands roam all over my body, as he presses me harder to the wall-Making me wince-Which causes him to smirk into the kiss. He opens his mouth as his fangs Pierce through his gums. He glides his tongue over his fangs, Licking his lips. He reconnects our lips once more, This time kissing me more roughly-He bites my lower lip, Hard enough to make it bleed..He pulls away for a moment, His eyes burning into mine..He licks my lower lip, Licking the blood off. He grins wickedly, And I stare at him, breathless. Unable to speak.

"You're very beautiful, Has anyone ever told you that?" He smirks, and I can feel his breath on my lips.

"Y-yes." I stutter, and he steps closer to me.

"Has anyone ever meant it?" He asks, And I keep my eyes on his, not daring to look down-Disrespecting him.

Before i can answer him, An announcement goes off, They've started the bidding. I look down the hall, Seeing the other girls have already gone on stage. When I look back, The Man is gone.

• • •

Some girls are sold, Some girls stay, They go through each one quickly..Soon it's my turn, I hear the announcer start speaking about me.

"Lorelei Young, Nineteen years old. Trained since she was nine years old, Obey's and listens well. Shall we start the bidding at five-hundred?" The announcer says, into the microphone over the crowd.


"Two thousand!"

"Four thousand!"

It goes back and fourth, But silence goes over the room when the next bidder speaks.

"One-Million!" The familiar voice shouts over the crowd. Everyone is silent, And The even the announcer is shocked.

"One-million? Alright! One-million! Going once! Going twice! Sold to Number six-hundred seventy!"

I follow the woman off the stage, Keeping my eyes on the ground until I'm introduced. That's how I was trained.

"Lorelei Young, Meet your new master, Lucius Castle."

I raise my eyes, Slowly meeting My New Masters eyes. I widen my eyes, Recognizing him, Considering he had me shoved up against a wall and was kissing me just moments ago.

"Hello, Lorelei"

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