Its like you're screaming..but nobody can hear you.

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I open my eyes, Feeling the cold chains on my wrists. Every breath makes my chest scream. How long have I been knocked out? Days? Drugs are always used against me, They used be the only thing to keep me quiet..But I've lost desire to escape. What's the point? They'll find me as soon as I run. Every Master I've had hurts me. Beats me. Rapes me. Why should this one be any different?

I hear a loud creaking door swing open, And I look up to see a man, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Do you know who I am?" He watches me, and I shake my head.

"You're not my Master.." I whisper, My voice hoarse and scratchy from lack of water..

"My name is Alastair Sinclair. You must've heard of me." He smirks, and I want to look down but I don't knowing well who he is..And what he's capable of. I keep my eyes on his, not daring to disrespect him.

"I heard You're smarter than the other ones. You obey." Alastair grabs me, Pulling me to my feet. He bites his wrist, and I watch as the blood trickles down his arm..

"Drink." He grins wickedly, And I hesitate.  Alastair grabs me by the hair, And I don't even flinch. "Drink." He says, More of a demand this time.

I nod, Slowly placing my lips onto his skin..and I start to drink. Sucking in the bitter taste down my throat, More and more..My throat is burning and my head is pounding from the taste. He smirks, "My turn." Alastair pushes me up against the wall, "You're not going to make a sound.Or I won't hesitate to rip your head off your pretty little neck..Understand?" He growls, His eyes glaring.

I nod, And He smirks, Slamming my hands into the wall with such a force I almost wince. But I've trained myself better.

"Lucius told me to keep my hands off of you..But I can't help it, You're so different from the other girls," Alastair glides his fingers over my cheek with his hand, "And I bet you taste wonderful.."

I watch in horror as Alastair's fangs Pierce through his gums, And he slides his tongue over them, Licking his lips. Alastair throws back his head, And Then he forces his head forward-His Teeth puncture my skin-Sending the familiar agonizing pain through my body. I start to wince, But I bite my lip hard to keep from making a sound. I start to feel dizzy, And soon I'm unable to keep my eyes open..

"What the hell!?" I hear someone yelling, Then I feel Alastair being yanked off of me, and I fall into someone's arms. I open my eyes, Feeling nauseous.

"What did I tell you about her?!

She's MINE!" I hear the loud yelling echoing throughout the room.

"Calm down, I didn't kill her." I see Alastair smirking at me.

"You could've killed her! Leave me!

I'll deal with you later."

I look up to see Him. My master. (in pic)

"Better watch your back, Lucius. You can't protect her all the time." Alastair  Walks away, Winking at me.

Lucius stares into my eyes, looking down at my neck..For a second I think he's going to pick up where Alastair left off, but he doesn't. He looks back to my eyes, And he leans in, Our lips crashing together. He kisses me softly, gently.. Unlike anything I've ever felt before..After a moment he pulls away, And I open my eyes..Feeling better. Insanely better. I feel stronger, Every sense is on alert.

"W-what did you do to me?" My voice is low, barely above a whisper.

"When I kissed you, I distracted you..I made you vulnerable. I took your pain away, And transferred it to me."  Lucius says, and I furrow my eyebrows, confused.

"Why did you do that..?" I ask, My voice low.

"You're useless to me dead. Your mine. I own you" Lucius deeply stares into my eyes, "Say it."

"I'm yours. You own me."

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