chapter 7

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jesus pov

she didnt talk to me for the rest of the period, but when i saw hat smile i dont know why but i was content and was okay with er not talking to me for the rest of the period. the bell rang signaling the end of class, when that loud bell rang she bolted out the door like someone was chasing her trying to kill her. i sauntered and lazily put my notebook and pencils in my bag. when i walked out the classroom to get to lunch i felt like something was wrong. so i walked down the hall kind of confused, what was this feeling for and were was it coming from. i just brushed it aside but when i came around the corner to get to the cafeteria  i saw Cameron on the floor with her eye bleeding. i was so furious seeing her like that. she looked at me and her body went limb. i was fuming with anger, how could someone do this to her shes so fragile. and so adorable. wait why did i just think that? anyways when i saw who did it was so angry i went up to cameron and picked her up then took ashley by her upper arm so hard im pretty sure there will be a bruise. and took them both to the main office i put ashley through the door first. when the receptionist saw the scene she said, "what happened here"? i told her, " ashley beat her up and before cameron blacked out she said she wanted to press charges and call the cops." he lady at the desk had wide eyes but shook her head in approval. ashley looked like she was about to cry and i refrained myself from laughing in her face. thatll teach her not to hit cameron. i dont understand why im so protective over her all of a sudden but oh well i will figure it out after this is taken care of. the police came 5 mins after and the lady at the desk told the what happened and the took ashley and put her in handcuffs and read her her rights. she had been started crying as soon ash she heard the sirens in the parking lot. i was smirking when she looked at me on the way  out the door.i wounder if cameron will feel better wen she finds out ashley is in jail for her. speeking of cmeron, she is stating to wake up.

thank you and love you all my flying turtles!!!!!!!!!!!

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