Chapter 2

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I can’t believe I’m actually finished with school, FOR LIFE!! Well until I start university……  my day was quite emotional really, you know saying goodbye to people that I’ve spent 8 years of my life with. I mean I’m just thankful that I live really close to the girls so we can still meet up, because I honestly couldn’t live without them.

I’m just replaying all the events of today in my head on my way home, people in cars driving past must think I’m an idiot just walking along smiling to myself. I got to my front door opened it and went inside looked back out the window and saw how beautiful the weather was today so, why not go for a run? Then I had an idea, my bestie for life, Sophie is always talking about how she wants to get fitter so I sent a quick text.

To: Your BESTIS friend ever AKA Sophie.

Hey Sophs I’m just going for a run wondered                                                                                                          if u wanted to come?? xx

And no I didn’t choose that contact name Sophie or Soph as I like to call her did. Seconds later I got a reply.

From: Your BESTIS friend ever AKA Sophie.

Sure things I’ll be over in a sec see ya later and                                                                                                            don’t miss me while I’m away!!!! ;p xx

With that reply I ran upstairs to my room and saw that my parents still hadn’t come back from work. I mean it’s not that I have a problem with them working so late I mean that’s what brings in the food right. But with them working all the time it means I hardly ever see them anymore and the when they are at home they always have work to do. Anyway back to the run, I ran upstairs and changed into some suitable running gear. Re-did my make-up and but my hair into a high pony tail. With that I heard a knock on the door it must have been Soph I ran down stairs and through open the door to see Soph standing there.

‘Hey Girllllll! How you been?’

‘Soph I literally saw you like an hour ago?’ I laughed

‘Don’t be so boring’ she laughed back as she stuck her tongue out

‘ready to go’

‘sure am!’


‘Dam, I don’t think I’ve ever ran so far!’ I laughed. I looked over at soph and she wasn’t even breaking a sweat

‘How do you do that?’.

‘I guess I’m just fit’ she winked at me.

‘Yeah of course’ I scoffed ‘I was always rubbish at running anyways’

‘Mmm, hey you never told me you were having new neighbours!?’

‘What?’ I looked over at my road a noticed there were removal vans unloading boxes into a house, the one next to my house. I didn’t realise the house was even sold yet! An older couple used to live their but they decided to move to Spain to live their retirement. They were really sweet and I remember how they always told each other they loved them. The lady used to tell me that someday I would find someone like her husband, but with this society it wasn’t looking very likely.

‘Hey char! You never know, some gorgeous boy could move in next door’

‘Yeah not likely! With my luck it will probably be some scary cat lady’ I laughed.

‘Well you never no’ she winked and then walked away

‘Bye then?’

‘Bye babe! I’ll text you later but I’m expecting a text about the new neighbours’

She’s a nutter! I looked over at the removal vans hoping to get a glimpse of my new neighbours but nothing. With a sigh I carried on walking up to my house. Then I noticed my parents cars are here?


Happy Easter <3

I know the story if really slow and boring atm but please be Patient with me! i promise it will get better ;)

Any commets or advice please let me know and please VOTE... xx

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