chapter 4

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Ok want to know what im doing right now? Well im curently standing outside these peoles house who i've never met before! I havn't yet maneged to pluk up the courage to knock on the front door, im quite   a confident person but im not very good with awkard first greetings. I know that your thinking seriously just knock on the door girl. I mean hey what is the worst that could happen

"You could find the people who live there are creepy weirdos who collect other peoples baby teeth, or  nosey old people that are grumpy but yet don't keep to themselves, or some rude screaming kids who you can never get control over! They could also have a cat that keeps following you and the pounces on you when nobodys looking and they might not have wifi!! Wait, why would you need wifi you un-social thing" This was my trusting and not so helpful concions.

Finally i decided to knock on the front door, i knocked it three times, you know the common way, and a little boy around the age of  5 opened the door 

"Erm hi im charlotte, i live next door!? i think my parents are already here?"

"hello! My dad said you can come in" ok the first thing i thought was CUTE, I mean who's not going to think that when a little boy at the age of 5 comes up answeres the door, and so piloite to!

"Thank you" i tried to give him my best smile to show him i was friendly, i know his about 5 but first impressions count right? "So whats your name?"

"I'm Archie and i'm five!"

"Wow, nice to meet you Archie!"

"Archie, who's at the door?" A man came to the door, who im guessing is Archies dad. He looked around 45ish maybe? "Oh, you must be Charlotte? it's wonderful to meet you! I'm Dominic but you can calle be Dom. Your parents are just inside do come in" I gave him a smile and followed him into the kitchen. Wow it was really nice in here! I had only been round here a coupke of times with our last neightbours and everything looked so old and boring. But now its lovely and so modern! They must of done the whole house up before they moved in! I do remember seeing some buliders in here a couple of weeks back!

"Ah Charlotte! your finally here! we thought you got lost of something!" my mother laughed.

"Sorry, i was getting ready" i blushed, i never like attension on me.

"I never understand why girls take so long? Annabelle spends so much of her time in her room! i have no idea what she does up there! Which reminds me, come I'll introduce you to the rest of the kids" I followed Dom into the living room. Aswell as Archie there 3 other kids, so in total 3 boys and a girl. I was surprsied at how big the family was, well compared to mine anyway. It was always just mum, dad and I. That was one thing i wish i could change! I loved my parents but with them always working, i always found myself bored and wishing for someone to play or talk to especially as a child!

"Hey guys, this is Charlotte. She lives next door so be nice!" He turned and smilied at me and left us too it. Before he left he wispered to me "good luck!" 

After about 10 minutes with these kids, i understood what Dom meant. These Kids are CRAZY! At the moment i was trying to have a conversation with Annabelle, 14, while Spencer, 2, was jumping over us saying he was a monkey and Archie, 5 i was right :p, and Leo, 10, were screaming at the TV while playing some kind of game. These kids were awesome, so funny and sweet!

"Ow! Spencer your pulling on my hair!"  Annabell shouted

"Ok mister. i think you need to calm down! you don't want to pull all of your sisters gergeous hair do you?"  I tried pulling Spencer down into my lap but he wouldn't stop riggling

"but im a monkey!"  For a 2 year old he had surprisingly good speach.

"ok, but monkeys still have to be good boys!"  He kept moving around and screaming "Well im guessing im going to have to tickel you then!" He suddenly stopped moving 

"Nooooo!" He giggled "your like georgey! He tickels me to!" 

"Whos Geo...."

"Dinner!!" was shouted and all the kids ran out of the room before i could finsih my question. 


So in the story im only using Spencer, Leo, Archie and Annabell because otherwise im just going to confuse myself :D i know they all have a different mum to George but again his family his really confusing some im just going to make a character to be mum to all of them! Sorry if you don't like it like that but i'll just end up confusing myself aswell as you and plus im writting it so... :p

Let me know what you think so far xxx

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