Chapter 17: Realize

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A/N: *Kylie Jenner voice*, "Is that an Update?"
Okay but in all seriousness yes I'm back! Again!  After taking god knows how long which really is unfair to all of you lovely people who are still reading for some reason! I am so so sorry! Okay but let me explain, these past couple of months I've undergone a lot of personal growth and I started University! But no matter what I will finish this story. But I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also I've just uploaded a new Dramione story called Stasera, so if you are interested, please check it out, it would make my day! :D

Song of the Chapter: Kali Uchis- Tomorrow ft Tame Impala

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the song featured in this chapter, no profit is being made.

Chapter 17: Realize

Scorpius sighed as he read through the paragraph for the fourth time in fifteen minutes. His eyes hurt, his whole body felt like glue and still the page made no sense. Famous Wizards of the 19th Century was shaping up to be just like Professor Binns, boring and clearly needed a break from the drivel they were sprouting.

Unsatisfied he shut the book loudly, drawing the attention of everyone around him. Blushing, he slowly begun packing up his things, ready to retire for the day. That was until he heard loud laughter behind him. Turning around he faced the source of the noise. Rose.

Things had been awkward with all three of them as of late. While Rose and Scorpius had parted ways, mainly on good terms, the easy friendship that had once accompanied him, Rose and Albus had died. Whenever the three tried to talk it was uncomfortable and almost delicate. It made Scorpius yearn for the simpler times where the three had an easy friendship that hadn't been complicated by feelings. He also couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty because he had also broken up Rose and Albus' friendship up in a way. Albus had picked Scorpius' side and even though he tried to stay friendly with her, it hadn't worked. The relationship between the two cousins was broken.

Sighing he turned around to see Rose and Jace, sitting extremely close to each other. She was practically hanging off every word he said, her eyes lighting up every time Jace so much as glanced at her. Not wanting to see his ex flirt with another guy, he slammed his book closed before tipping it back into his bag and rushing out of the library. Hungry, he decided to head to the kitchen for a late night snack before going back to his common room.

Back at his dormitory, he was glad to see that it was devoid of life, most people seemed to have chosen to go outside and enjoy the rare sunshine. He carefully grabbed his paint equipment and began to draw.

The one good thing about the breakup? He had more time to finish these paintings. He missed Lily to the point that it felt like a constant ache deep within his chest. He missed how she always knew the right thing to say to him when his anxiety felt like it would make his chest concave. Espically now when that feeling seemed to be the only thing he was able to feel nowadays.

He was determined. Determined to fix their friendship and have his best friend back. Maybe then, will the healing process begin and he could feel whole again.

So lost in his own thoughts, he hadn't noticed the shadow fall over the canvas. Suddenly he felt a calm grip on his shoulder. Scorpius jumped, dropping his paint brush onto the floor.

"What have you got here?" Scorpius turned only to be face to face with his roommate Liam.

Scorpius frowned. Usually he liked Liam, when he wasn't being so boisterous and loud. Unfortunately that seemed to be the only setting he had.

"It's just a painting, nothing special." Scorpius muttered, knowing that he was being slightly antisocial but he simply just didn't want to deal with his roommate.

Without warning, Liam grabbed the painting off of Scorpius' easel. Scorpius made a high pitched squeak as Liam brought it closer to his face as if inspecting it.

"It's quite beautiful Scorpius, you're actually a pretty good painter."

"Give it back. Now." As Scorpius reached for it, Liam dangled it over his head. High enough that he couldn't grab it. Not for the first time in his life, Scorpius cursed his shortness.

"Hey man chill, you yourself just said it was a painting. I wonder how you would react if I dropped it?" Pondered Liam.

Scorpius, sick of the game, grabbed his wand and pointed it directly at Liam's face.

"You heard what I said the first time. Give the painting back now."

Liam, finally realising how serious Scorpius was, gave it back. His face was the textbook definition of shock. He looked at Scorpius as if it was the first time he was truly seeing him. It made Scorpius feel unnerved.

"I have a quick question." Said Liam. "Why is the painting so important to you?"

Scorpius felt awkward discussing this topic with Liam. It wasn't that he didn't trust him but Liam was known to have a big mouth.

"I'm painting this for a friend, it's a gift for her." He replied nonchalantly, hoping Liam would stop talking.

Liam shook his head. "Mate I think this painting is a little more than just 'friendship'." Finally without another word he walked away, looking more amused then ever.

Scorpius stood there speechless, long after Liam left. The more he contemplated the more he felt irked. What was with Liam's comment? How dare he? More than a friendship? Liam knew nothing about his relationship and love for Lily.

Love. The invasive thought rendered Scorpius speechless. There's no way it's love, he just cares about Lily as a friend...right?

But he supposed some of the things he had done and said in the past could be interpreted as more than a friendship. And yeah he deeply cared about her to the point where her pain almost felt like his but that didn't mean he loved her.

But Scorpius' stomach told him otherwise. Butterflies that felt more like wasps were stinging his very core. He bet that if he had a mirror he would be able to see bright red cheeks. Oh god he felt like puking.

Okay... so maybe he could like her as more than a friend. But it felt wrong, after all she was decently younger than him plus his best friends sister! Maybe he was confusing his feelings for friendship because he hadn't seen her in a while? That was possible right?

Scorpius moved to his easel, gingerly placing the painting onto it. He sat back down and stirred his paint water with the fallen paintbrush, the warm brown reminding him of Lily's eyes. Groaning at the sappy thought, he placed his head into his hands.

He was in more shit than he originally thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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