Chapter 1: Accidents

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A/N. I AM ALIVE! Yes I am back on wattpad and I'm actually writing a story! Its been a while. So I'm back with a Harry Potter fanfiction about my fave pairing, Lily/Scorpius. So I will be uploading two chapters at the same time today but from here on out every THURSDAY I will be uploading with another chapter until this story is done. So yeah thats about it. I hope you enjoy the story! 

Song of the Chapter: We've never met but, can we have a coffee or something?- In love with a Ghost

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the property of Jk Rowling. This story has been written for fun and no profit is being made off of it. 

Chapter 1: Accidents

Scorpius met Lily for the first time accidently.

He was on platform 9/3 and he was nervous as hell. Who wouldn't be? Not only was he going to a magical school that he had only ever dreamed about, but he was also a Malfoy. Not exactly a great combination. Even now he could see the stares and glares from other people. Even children, who were going to become his classmates in the next couple of days, stare and whisper as they walked past. It's an animosity that they have learned from their parents.

His mum and dad told him to be proud. You're a Malfoy they said, bring your family name pride- blah blah blah. Scorpius ignored their comments. His family is far from perfect and all they have ever done is make the Malfoy name some sort of dirty word. A sort of stain on the wizarding world.  Scorpius even dreamed of how he was going to change this stigma once he gets to Hogwarts. He's going to show everyone that a Malfoy can be good too. He was so sure of himself.

Now he wasn't as confident. He felt less sure of himself than ever. Failure was the only thing he was scared of and that fear was hitting him harder than ever. Atychiphobia. The name of the fear of failure. He read it in one of the textbooks he had at home. He felt as if he might puke.

Instead he muttered something about going to the toilet to his parents before he walked off. He was sure that if he stood anymore longer next to his parents the ground would open and swallow him up from all the stares. He kept his head down as he walked, ignoring the world and wallowing in self pity until someone bumped into him.

"Sorry!" Said the stranger who bumped him. He looked up and before he can yell he is greeted by the sight of what looked like to be a nine year old girl. She was small and skinny, with pale skin, long unruly orange hair and dark brown eyes with an array of freckles dotting her skin. He instantly felt bad that he was going to yell at her. She looked so young... and innocent.

"It's okay" He replied with a small smile.

She looked at him for moment. She appeared to be...studying him? He wasn't quite sure. But before he can say something the biggest smile he had ever seen explodes onto her face.

"My name is Lily." She said, sticking her hand out. "What's yours?"

"Scorpius." He answered back, shaking her hand.  But just before he could reply with another question about her, her name was getting called out by some male stranger.

"My uncle." She answered at his confused stare. "Bye!" Just like that she was gone, running off to her uncle. Before he knew it she was swallowed up by the crowd and he couldn't see her. He frowned. She was probably the nicest stranger he had ever met and he can't help but say that she did take his mind off of his self pity, if only for a second. He smiles. Maybe this year won't be so bad. After all if there is one kind person then there must be others... right? He walked back to his parents with renewed focus.

He didn't see Lily again until the end of the year.

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