Finding Katie - chapter 4

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Here is chapter 4 sorry it took me so long to post, spring swimming just started so I've been really busy, and I had a writer's block :P........ :) anyway, this is the address for the warehouse pic : ..............but you have to picture the chairs & other stuff ;D.

-Chapter 4-

*Tempers *

Katie's P.O.V.

They took me inside the warehouse which had been furnished like a Hollywood studio. It had mirrors with the lights around them and director chairs in front of the mirrors. The counters of the little vanity tables were covered in brand new makeup and hair products. Further down the way was five or six racks of clothes, next to that was an attempted version of a fitting room.

I was roughly shoved into one of the chairs and one of the guys that had escorted me in disappeared. Upon looking around I saw corner that was, I think, suppose to be a kitchen. There were cots in another corner, along with some old beat up couches.

"So this is her?" said a girl whom was walking toward us. She was tall, with long straight black hair that almost touched her waist. She wore a black tank top over slim fitting jeans.

"Humph," said another girl whom followed her. She had the same body shape and hair, but looked older and much tougher. With a tattoo on her shoulder to top it all off. She wore a gray tank top and sweat pants.

"Yeah this is the chic, name's Katie." said the guy who had been on my right when we were walking in. He looked over at me and winked then got up, muttering about finding some coffee. Looking back at the two girls I could tell right away that the younger looking one was probably the nicer of the two.

"Em, get her some clean clothes and something to eat 'kay?" said the one with the tattoo.

"Sounds good Kris, and can you see if Jason's back?" the other girl said her voice sounding sheepish when she mentioned 'Jason' whoever he was. Her companion rolled her eyes but nodded. Muttering over her shoulder about how silly little crushes would just ruin her life and that it was child's play.

I looked up at the girl in front of me now seeing that she was only about seventeen maybe eighteen. She had kind eyes that seemed tainted with pain and something else that I couldn't quite place. She looked lost for a moment, in another world . . . a different time. Seeing someone else like this made me think of all those good times with Jared . . . but it was over that time was done.

"Well, I'm Emily," she said coming back from her trance "come on; we need to get u cleaned up." Emily said eyeing my dirty tee-shirt and shorts. I blushed but said nothing, not really feeling up to talking.

Emily showed me where a shower was and found me a towel. After I got out of my shower I pulled on the sweats and tank top she had slipped in the room. I began to walk back the way we had come, Emily had told me to come back when I was done. I turned the last corner and came face to face with Emily's look alike.

"Ahg! . . . God, can you watch were your going?!" she said sounding more surprised than annoyed. Her cold grey eyes glared at me for a minute more before she swept by me down the hall.

I heard a sigh, looking over I saw Emily rolling her eyes at the sky.

"Don't mind Kristine, she's, well, not a people person . . ." she said with a small smile. I could tell from that point on that we were going to get along. I smiled back and walked over to the clothes racks she stood next to.

"Is she your sister?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"No, well, yeah . . . in a way I guess. More like my half sister," She said. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I mean you two look so much alike I would have thought you were twins," I said.

"Hahaha, yeah most people think that, and I understand that, even though our personalities are really different." Emily said with a grin that made her face light up. With that Emily and I talked while she helped me find something better to wear and she helped me find a few bobby pins to put my hair up with.

We talked long after I had had something to eat waiting for something, god knows what. There was a sudden bang that made us both jump; I looked over at Emily, to see that she was as surprised as I was. She jumped up like lightning when we say a figure limped in. "Erik! OhMyGod! Are you ok? What happened? Where's Jason?!" she gushed.

"Emily, contain yourself! Do you not see that Erik is in a poor condition?!" said Kaden. I turned to look at him, not noticing him walk in. Emily blushed and looked down at the floor, like a little kid being scolded for taking two cookies instead of one. At Kaden's command two men rushed to Erik's aid, they helped him down one of the halls to an empty room. Kaden gave Emily a hard look and followed the others into the room.

"Emily?" I asked she look shaken and really worried. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"He's suppose to be back by now." She said looking up at me with wide eyes.


"Jason, him and Erik were on a "mission" they were supposed to be back yesterday." She told me, her voice shaking.

Matt's P.O.V.

"What are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth. He looked just as I remembered him, tall with shaggy black brown hair and playful blue eyes.

"Matt, my man, long time no see huh?" he said, ignoring my question completely. Jared is kinda a happy-go lucky guy, so in a way it made sense why he would cheat, thought he wouldn't get caught.

"Jared, why are you here?!" Carly cried half sobbing. He looked at her in surprise as if he hadn't noticed her there.

"I saw a bunch of police headed up here, so I asked an officer what was going on he said.... he said Katie's been kidnapped. I had to come see for myself."

"As if you even cared!" Carly screamed. Jared looked taken aback, he glanced at me but I offered no support.

"Car, breathe, just breathe." I said, she gave me a look and walked away.

"Wow, that's low! Of course I care!" he yelled at her retreating form. He looked over at me and shrugged. I honestly can't believe this guy, he cared? What? Right, as if.

"Hummm, and maybe next time you say that you won't have cheated on whom ever you're talking about?" I said coldly. I walked over to Carly and she glared over at a very confused looking Jared. "Let it go for now we have more important things to worry about right now." I whispered.

So, what do you guys think? I know it took forever for me to post and I'm really really sorry about that. Plz plz plz tell me what you think even if it's just telling me I spelled something wrong! I will try to post ch 5 soon. Love u all! Oh and if u have any ideas u would like to share feel free to!

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