Guardian Chapter 2

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"I CAN'T DO THIS, Zee," Amaya whispered to Hezekai. "I can't hurt her."

"This day was always coming, Amaya," he wrapped his arms around her. "She deserves to know the truth from us. We raised her. You want a seeker to tell her who she is?"

"She'll hate us for this."

"We made a vow. We promised Chaniel that it would be us, that only death would keep us from telling her."

"Mmm," Ahreyal stirred in her sleep. She blinked. The images of her aunt and uncle came into focus. She had to be dreaming. There was no way she was at her aunt and uncle's house in Marrero. She was just at her own house in Mid City New Orleans. What the fuck?

"Finally waking up, huh?" Hezekai smiled at his niece as if there was nothing wrong. "Take your time sitting up." He stepped to the full-sized bed Ahreyal had slept in as a child and sat beside her. "Your aunt and I have something we need to tell you." He turned to his wife and nodded, but she remained silent. "Amaya, we have too."

Slowly, Amaya moved to a chair beside the bed. Her long pink dress swept her ankles. She waited while Ahreyal rearranged the pillows and pushed herself into a sitting position.

"W-What's wrong?" Ahreyal looked around the room. What's happening? How the fuck did I get here? Where in the hell is Sarae?

"She called me," Sarae's voice said. She appeared beside Hezekai. She came from...nowhere.

"Probably, out of panic," he said, "or just wondering where you were. We haven't told her yet. Go back to your post."

Sarae nodded and turned to Ahreyal. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me," she said, and then vanished.

Ahreyal's mouth fell open. Her eyes widened. She pointed a finger toward the spot where Sarae stood a moment ago. "She...she...she..."

"Yes," Amaya said matter-of-factly.


"Because, she's an angel," Amaya replied.

Ahreyal paused. Blinked. "What did you say?"

"Sarae," Amaya began again, "She's an angel; she's your guardian angel." Amaya waited for Ahreyal to absorb the information she had just been given.

"She's what?" Ahreyal's tone was flat. Her face was blank. Amaya knew her niece believed nothing she was being told. She looked at her husband. "Show her."

Hezekai nodded. He stood, faced Ahreyal. What appeared to be white smoke swirled behind his back. The smoke went from pure white, to orange, then red. Then, evaporated, leaving...wings? Large wings! Orange with red and yellow streaks swirled throughout and red on the tips of each feather.

Ahreyal's breath caught in her throat. No words could form. Her eyes widened. She could feel Amaya's hand touching hers, but she couldn't blink, breathe, or take her eyes off her uncle. Amaya's hands framed Ahreyal's face. "Look at me." Her aunt said. Behind Amaya's back were peach wings with yellow swirls. "We're all angels," she said. "Hezekai, Sarae, myself, and you."

* * * * *

The moment Hezekai and Amaya revealed their wings, Ahreyal's eyes rolled backwards. Her seemingly lifeless body slumped over the edge of the bed and landed in Sarae's arms. "I'm guessing the conversation didn't go well?" Sarae smirked and laid Ahreyal's head against the soft pillows.

She touched Ahreyal's forehead and waited until Ahreyal's still body began to stir.

"Amaya. Zee. She's waking up." Sarae leaned over Ahreyal. She smirked when her cousin opened her eyes.

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