Guardian Chapter 4

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"AHREYAL," SARAE'S VOICE SPOKE firmly. Her arms gripped Ahreyal's shoulders. "You have to calm down."

Ahreyal's arm stretched. She pointed, but the words wouldn't form. Can't she see it? Why can't she see it? The damn thing was eight feet tall and had muscles the size of Texas. It was bald and had a face like a young lion without the mane. Its green eyes were glowing. Its skin looked tough and smooth like an elephant or a rhinoceros. It was all black or grey or purple...she couldn't tell; it was too dark. It had long, sharp claws were like a komodo dragon. What the fuck!

"It's not what you think, Ahreyal" Sarae said calmly. She turned to the creature. "Would you please change?" She said in a frustrated tone.

The creature tilted its head to the side. He seemed to smile.

The situation took a great deal of patience and Sarae was almost at her fucking limit! She closed her eyes, "NOW!"

The creature...beast...thing...raised on its hind legs. Smoke swirled around it. It shrank. Muscles became smaller, very defined. Tan military pants, military boots, a t-shirt all appeared where tough skin used to be. Claws became hands. The light dimmed in its eyes. For Ahreyal, fear turned into disbelief. Where a huge monster once stood, she was now looking at Sarae's boyfriend, Christopher.

He flashed a beautiful smile, revealing white teeth and defined dimples. "Hello Ahreyal." His deep voice spoke casually. His eyes met Sarae's. "I'm sorry. I had to know you were all right."

She trained her expression to show aggravation, though her eyes softened.

"I mean, both of you, of course." He glanced at Ahreyal, then back to Sarae. "Are you all right?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again. She looked at Ahreyal. The shock hadn't quite worn off yet, but she was ok. "We're fine." She finally said.

"Chris?" I am losing my fucking mind. When he smiled again, Ahreyal knew he was real. "Wh...wh...What...the hell...are you," She asked breathlessly. Her hands shook uncontrollably.

He shrugged, "I'm a gargoyle."

"Gar...the fuck...gar-" Ahreyal panted. She sat down on the ground. "Oh God. Oh God, please. Please. I can't," she babbled. She rocked back and forth, closed her eyes until she caught her breath. She released a high-pitched hysterical laugh. A demon burned down her house. Her aunt and uncle were dead. Her cousin/sister/best friend/roommate was an angel. Her cousin's boyfriend was standing six feet in front of her, telling her he was a gargoyle. She was almost afraid to ask. "What the fuck is a gargoyle?" The question came out dry and sarcastic, exactly how she wanted it to.

"She's had a long day, Chris," Sarae rolled her eyes.

He smirked and shrugged. "We protect the earth and humanity," he said, "We also serve the angels and the Most High."

"Is that all," Ahreyal raised her eyebrows. Her tone was still heavily laced with sarcasm, "You just serve the angels; protect the earth and shit?" She pointed to Sarae, "She protects me. You protect her." She looked from him to Sarae, "A gargoyle? A fucking gargoyle? Are you two kidding me?"

Sarae rolled her eyes. "Here we go," she said the words as if she'd been waiting for this breakdown all night.

Ahreyal laughed again, but was cut short by Sarae's hand on her shoulder. "We need to get inside," Sarae said, her eyes were trained on the sky.

Instantly, they were back in the house. Christopher appeared behind Ahreyal a second later. She gasped and spun around.

He flashed a smile, "Sorry, forgot, you're not used to all this yet." He stepped around her and approached Sarae. "I don't see or smell them," he said, "but they are coming. I can feel it." That was what he liked most about being a gargoyle, his ability to sense danger. He could feel how malice crackled in the air. He could smell the stench of rotting flesh when demons were nearby. As an angel, Sarae could only see or hear danger. Christopher could sense, hear, smell, and feel it. He knew they were coming – Azazel's hoards were coming for Ahreyal, for Sarae. Even if it meant his life, he would keep them safe. He reached for Sarae, but made a fist just before contact. She turned her head away from him and took a step backwards.

Guardian, Chapters 1-5Where stories live. Discover now