King and Queen

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A King and Queen of a kingdom called Geiom have been ruling for 25 years, side by side. They have one child, so one heir to the throne. The King's name was Jiyoung and the Queen's name Lisa. Their son was called Baekhyun, and they lives happily for years together. Baekhyun is the King and Queen's everything. He is the most important when it comes to the two, and they would stop at nothing to keep him happy.

However, Baekhyun wasn't like most princes, and his parents noticed this when he was a small child. Everywhere he would go, he'd command people to refer to him as "Princess Baekhyun" and no one could quarrel. So it stuck, and Baekhyun had been called the Princess of Geiom ever since.

But, nothing could be absolutely perfect. The kingdom's land was very sought after, and many wars came from the fact. Thousands of years had passed with nothing but fighting, and although Geiom usually won, many people were killed because of the wars. It was a tragic time. When King Jiyoung came into power, he wanted to change things. He vowed to his people and himself that he would not allow any more wars to happen again.

And he stood by his word. The kingdom was at last peaceful, and everyone was happy. Geiom was flourished with celebrations, and no one fought anymore. The poor and poverish were treated well by the rich, and Geiom's people were hand in hand.

While this was going on, the other kingdoms became restless. They were desperate for Geiom and wanted to take over their land using whatever methods possible.

King Jiyoung and Queen Lisa caught word of the other lands trying to conquer theirs, and grew worried. In order to avoid alarming everyone, they kept the information within the palace, only the higher ups knowing of Geiom's possible dread. The two worked very hard at resolving the problems, causing stress on their relationship, but they continued to fight through any rough patches.

And they always made time for their pride and joy, Baekhyun. The little heir was satisfied and thought everything was going well because no one dared to tell him of Geiom's true conflicts. He was just too young.

The rulers of Geiom were trying, but it seemed their efforts were in vain. The kingdom's enemies didn't back down, no matter what Geiom offered to them. And the kingdom slowly began dread what the future may hold in store for it.

Hello. So we all participated in this chapter. Sorry we've been gone for awhile but in that time we wrote a lot of chapters. I hope you enjoyed.


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