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Nico Hiraga

"Yo Koda let's stop by the girls apartment I wanna see how vio- I mean Tavia is doing you know?!"

Koda looks at me with a confused look,then looks outside the nearby window at back at me again.He throws his keys at me and I jump.

"Bro,out of all the beautiful days you could have gone you chose this shitty day"

"Yeah well I don't know okay,are you coming or not" I sighed.


"Suit yourself" I said while walking out the door and shutting it behind me.


"Hey Neeks!" Tavia said while pulling me into a hug.

"I noticed your eating my special dish lemons and soy sauce?"

"You know it" she winked at me.

Tavia went and sat back on the couch,I was looking around for Violet.

"Hey Tav Is violet in her room"
I said running up the stairs.

"Yeah but she's wit-"

I open Violets bedroom door to see her making out with some guy.


Violet turns around and her eyes went huge.

"Nico what the heck are you doing?!"
"I- I came to see you,what are you doing,who's this!"
I said pointing at the guy,he looked familiar.

Anger started rising in me "I thought you were joking when you said you didn't love me!" i yelled.

I ran back down stairs to the door.

I could hear her stumbling from her room while i was making my way down the stairs,Tears fell down my face.

God im such a cry-baby grow some balls Nico.


Cyan ran in front of the door just as i was about to walk out.

"Nico hear me out!"

I huffed and stayed there making no eye contact.

"look at me" she said while taking her hand out to move my head to look at her.

"Nico you need to grow up,or find somebody who will love you! im not the right person for that and im sorry okay but you need to let that shit go"

"Im never going to stop loving you,remeber that" i said while walking to the car"

I quickly jumped into the car and stared out into the streets.What a shit day,Koda was right I guess...

I turned on the radio and logics song 1-800 came on (my fav song rn)

'I feel like I'm outta my mind,it feel like my life ain't mine'

I start the car and turn onto the motorway.

Meia (new character)

"I don't wanna be aliveeee'! 'I don't wanna be aliveee,I just wanna die today, I just wanna die!" I sing loudly as i drove down the motorway.

I was back in town,it felt good except the rain.I literally couldn't wait to see my old high school friends and I missed my moms cooking so much. My mouth waters at the thought, and soon i begin to daydream about the food. But, unfortunately, a beeping noise drags me out of my daze. I look at the bright flashing light appearing behind the wheel and then back at the road, wanting to return to my daze.

But then I  realise that something is wrong. I look at the light again, discovering that it meant that I  had no fuel. No fuel!

"No! Pat! Down do this! Stay strong!" I yell to my car, Patoonia. I hit the wheel violently, cussing under my breath.

I try to pull over, but there's no space next to me - just a metal barrier. And when I  finally see a lay-by, it's too late.

I was just meters away from the lay-by, when the car stops. I hit my head on the wheel, hitting the horn. The loud noise scare me, and I  jolt back.

Thankfully the road is deserted. So i turn on my blinker lights to show other people that I  have broken down, before I  left my car to push it to the lay-by. I hope that people see me and help me out, but, the road is deserted. I groan in anger.

I push the car, but to my dismay, it doesn't move. "I wish I lifted weights. Then maybe I could push this car!" I whisper harshly to myself. I give up eventually, before pulling out my phone and dialling My bestfriend Tavias number.

"Hey Meia you here yet?", She says.
"Hey Tav. I need your help. I've broken down on the motorway because I ran out of petrol. Could you bring me some fuel, I'll pay you for it obviously", I  explain.

"Sure thing! Where are you?" She asks.
"I'll text you the details, I'm not really sure yet", I  admit.
"You're hopeless Meia. Text me as soon as possible", she sighs.
"Okay. Thank you!" I giggle.
"It's okay Meia", he says, "bye".

Ten minutes later still no call or texts from Tavia,I was hoping no cars would stop and ask me what was wrong cause that'll be embarrassing,but my prays were answered.

A black car stops by Myside,the windows roll down.

"Hey are you oka-,holy shit Meia!,remember me Nico Hiraga,I pushed you into the pool at that party once"

I rolled my eyes.
"Of course I remember you,menace"
"Me a menace? Please"
I scoff at his reply.

"Hop in" he says while gesturing me to get into the passengers seat.

"Fine,just this once" I open the door and he smiles.

"So were you heading?"
"Tavias please"
"Fuck,I shouldn't known" he sighed
"What's up your ass"
"Shit happened"

"Stuff" he didn't say anything the whole ride.

"Thanks for the ride"


Soooo thankyou guys for 300 reads! And I think y'all know who Meia is judging by Nicos Instagram stories :)))

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