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• I recommended listening to Japanese Denim while ready this chapter•

"Hey Meia, where did I put my swimsuit?" Nico had been staying at my house for the weekend and he already had begun losing stuff.

"Nico, you hung it over the shower curtain. Remember?" I said back.

"Oh yeah, thanks babe!" he answered, then i heard his footsteps retreating down the hallway.

I filed through the swimsuits in my closet, and finally, i decided to wear my yellow bandeau bikini with black ripped high waist shorts.

I slipped off my top and shorts, and i put on my swimsuit, but i were having difficulties tying up the back.

"Need some help with that?" I heard Nico  ask from behind me.

Surprised, i spun around and looked at the smirk on his face. I smiled and replied "yes please," in an innocent voice.

Turning back around, i arched my back slightly and stuck out my butt a little. I knew it drove him crazy when i teased him.

I felt his hands tie the back of my swimsuit, and then they trailed down my sides to grab my backside.

In response, i turned around to smile and wink at him, then i grabbed my towel and headed for the beach.

A few minutes later, Nico and i were lying on our stomachs, side by side, to catch some rays.

After a while, the sun was too much for me to handle. Standing up, I  made my way to the warm water, and in walked in. Glancing back at  Nico lounging, i noticed him watching me.

Using one finger, i coaxed him towards me and the water. But he nodded his head no and smiled, then put his hands behind his head in a laid back manner.
Frustrated, i walked a little farther into the water, just enough so only my head and shoulders were sticking out. I looked back and made direct eye contact with him.

There was barley know one at the beach so I decided to do a little something for Nico.

I grinned and reached to the back strings of my swim suit. I tugged on one of the strings, and I  swiftly took off my top. But Nico had no idea what i just did.

I slowly brought my bandeau above the water. His jaw dropped, then he quickly stood up and made his way to the water. Smiling, I  balled up my top and threw it past him onto the shore.

I waited as he made his way to me.When he got there, he shook his head and smiled saying "I love you Meia."

"I love you too muffin" i smiled back at him.
Then he gazed down my torso and said "and your body."

Things escalated somewhat quickly, and i kissed down his neck and back up to his ear.

And as the sun began to set, Nico and I threw our last bits of swimming wear onto the beach.


We were Lying on a pale blue blanket, sand under us, sometimes above us the light wind gusts off the water and above the stars. The only sound was the waves crashing onto the sandy beach.

Nicos hand was wrapped around mine. My hand is smaller than his was childish feeling in comparison to his larger ones. His thumb rubbed small circles into my skin.

Looking at him as he himself watched the sky above i broke the silence, "Nico?"

"Yes Princess?" He shifted onto his side, his brown  peepers looking into mine.

"You love me right?" Ever since I've got here I've been thinking about how much Nico loved Violet I wanted to know if he loved me more than her.

He didn't answer me. He moved again, his hand leaving mine, sitting up. This made me wary.

"Nico?" I sat up at his side.

"Sh, Princess just listen." He glanced at me.

Nodding, i quieted myself and did what he requested.

"why'd you ask that? I thought it was obvious. I love you. Your laugh, your eyes, your smile, everything you do, it adds up to you that's what I love. Everything you do is perfect even the smallest things. I didn't know what perfection was until I found you. You are everything I need. Everything that I want. You are you. That's all I need. I love you."

violet  ☁︎  nico hiragaWhere stories live. Discover now