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Jake's POV

I entered the house as quiet as I can, so mom doesn't notice me. Now, you're wondering why I'm trying to ignore her. On my way home, I thought about when to tell mom that I was pregnant. Instead of keeping it a secret, I'm going to tell mom. She's gonna know sooner or later. Let's just get this thing over with all ready.

"Jake?" My mom said from the kitchen.

"No, Satan. Yes mom, it's me." I told her sarcastically. Okay Jake, it's time to tell her. You can do this, you can do this. I took in a deep breathe and let it out.

"Hey mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" I hope this works out.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" she asked as we were sitting down by the island in the kitchen.

Here goes nothing. "Well mom, you know how I threw up this morning?"

"what about it?" she asked in a worried voice.

"I think I know why."

"Was it something you ate?" She said, but a little more calm this time.

"No, it's that I'm..." I trailed off. I couldn't build enough confidence to tell her that I was pregnant. She'd think I'm crazy!

"You're what? Sweetheart, you have to tell me what's wrong, or else I can't help you." Okay Jake. Deep breathes, deep breathes.

"I'mpregnant." I said as fast as light travels.

"What?" Come on, you can do this.

"I'm pregnant." all she did was stare at me for at least 5 minutes long.

"Honey, are you feeling okay?' Great! Now she thinks I'm insane! She is correct. Any sane person wouldn't believe me. In fact, I didn't think I was pregnant earlier. But guess what? I am.

"No mom, I'm fine. But you really need to believe me. I'm pregnant."

"You're joking right? Jake whatever prank you're trying to pull off, stop because it not funny." She said in a really serious tone.

"Mom I'm not playing around. I really am pregnant."

"How?" She said barely a whisper.

"What do me how? It just happened."

"I mean, who did this? How is this even possible?" And here comes the questions I was hoping she wouldn't say, but said anyways.

"Mom, don't worry about that. The thing you should worry about is that your son is pregnant. And I really need your help."

She smiled. "I will always help you no matter what. Don't ever think I wouldn't." With that I got up and went to my room.

I shut and locked the door. I quickly called Amy. She picked up after the second ring.

"Hello?" She said through the phone.

"Amy, get over here right now! I have something so important to tell you." Within seconds, the door bell rang.

"Jake, Amy's here!" I heard mom's voice say from downstairs. Damn! This chick is quick.

I ran downstairs to get Amy, but by the time I opened my door, she was right in front of me. Again, this chick is quick.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" She said as I let her into my room.

"If I tell you, you have to and I mean HAVE to take this seriously."

"Of course." She said and plopped down on my bed.

"I'm pregnant." She stared at me just like how mom stared at me.

"You're what?" She said unbelievably.

"I'm serious Amy. I really am pregnant." I hope she believes me.

She stared at me in disbelief longer than mom.

"Are you sure? Who's the father?"

"Yes I'm sure and it's Matt."I said.

Her mouth slowly turned into a grin. "See, I told you. There was something going on. So are you guys dating?" She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Were we dating? I don't even know! "It's complicated."I answered Amy.

"Oh, I see. You're up to that confused and complicated stage." What was that suppose to mean?

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"This part of the relationship is when you aren't sure which page you guys are on. You aren't so sure if you guys are dating or not. You don't know what's goingo to come next. Is that how you're feeling?" Did she just read my mind? That was exactly how I felt.

"Yeah. How did you know that?"

"Please. I've been dating Caleb for a while already, and I have been in your position before. After our first kiss together, I wasn't so sure if we were a thing or not."

"Then how did you realize you guys were a thing?"

"Well, I just waited." Waited for what? This girl needs to give more information!

"Waited for what? Tell me!" I was anxious for her answer.

"I waited for him to ask me out." That's what I have to wait for?

"Can't I just ask him out?" All she did was look at me and laugh.

"No, that just shows that you're desperate. We don't go to them, they come to us." Wow, you learn something new everyday.

"But what happens if he thinks I would ask him and I think that he's going to ask me? Then what?"

"Well, since you are I guess the female in this relationship, I'm pretty sure he would ask." She said with a shrug. I don't really know if I should be insaulted or relieved.


"Sorry Jake that was my mom, gotta go. See you in school tomorrow!" And she left with that.

When is Matt ever going to ask me out? What happens if he doesn't? Then what? But he has to, I'm carrying his child. Man, I am never going to get use to saying that. Should I call him? Gah! I can't, he would think I was desperate. And I can't let him think I was desperate to get asked out. I wasn't that thirsty. Or was I? Na! I can't, I didn't even want a boyfriend. Well I did, but he just wasn't my type. I don't really dig bad boys.


"Hello?" It was Matt.

"Hey Jake. I was wondering um... Would you like to um... be my boyfriend?" Oh my god! He's really asking me out! Stay cool Jake, don't squeal like a girl. Keep it cool.



Oh! Cliff hanger! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I will update soon! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!


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