big problem!

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Jake's POV

I came home, but it was silent. Almost too silent. All of a sudden I was pulled into a chest. I already knew who's chest this was. Matt's. Still hugging me from behind, he started kissing me. From my cheeks, down to my jaw line and down my neck.

"Hey baby, I missed you." He said in between kisses on my neck. I wasn't in the mood right now to do this, I was still wondering why he didn't come to school.

I turned around and forced him to look at me dead in the eyes. "Where were you this morning?"

"I was here. What did you think, I went to a strip club or even worse, I cheated on you?" He asked continuing what he was doing and kissing my jaw line.

"No, I just wondered wny you didn't come to school."

He shrugged and stopped what he was doing. "I don't know. I just didn't feel like it. Remember I have a reputation to keep."

I didn't even want to start arguing with him, instead I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Hey what was that all about?" He grabbed onto my arm before I could even walk a feet.

What was what all about?"

"The eye roll."

"Nothing. I'm gonna go up stairs if you need me." I went into our room and flopped onto the bed. I was so tired. I didn't even know why. I check my watch and it said 3 o' clock, usually dinner's served at around 7 o' clock or so. Which leaves me 4 hours. It won't hurt if I took a short nap, and I went out like a light.


"Hey, wake up." I heard a voice whisper into my ear. I turned around and found Matt staring at me.

"What time is it?" I said in a sleepy tone.

"6:45" Holy shit! Did I sleep for that long? I only have 15 minutes to take a shower, and change. I need at least half an hour for that!

"Don't worry. I already called your mom that you're going to be late. She said okay, so you better hurry up." I dashed into the bathroom having the fastest shower I've ever had. And without a towel on, I ran into the room and started looking for clothes.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Matt staring down at my ass. Licking his lips, he stalked close to me. Holding me by the hips and kissing my neck.

"Stop, I'm in a hurry right now. We can do it later when I come home." I took the clothes I wanted and got away from his grip. I quickly put my clothes on not caring if it's on backwards. I wore a whit v-neck under a blue hoodie, and black tight jeans. I matched the clothes with my red high top converses. I kissed Matt bye and ran out the door.

Since I didn't have a ride, and the house wasn't so far I decided to run. But that only made it worse. Because I was running, I forgot about the babies, and all of a sudden there was a sharp pain on my back and stomach. I quickly dialed Matt's number. The pain wouldn't go away, It just got worst.


"Matt! I need help, come quickly!" I couldn't hold onto the pain any more and passed out. I could feel being lifted up by strong arms, but I didn't really pay attention to it at all.

Matt's POV

I was so worried about Jake. I knew I should've gone with him. I'm sitting on my bed while Shanon and my father checked on Jake in the pack doctor's office. I was getting more and more worried by the second. WHat if the babies don't make it? Or worst, what if something bad happens to Jake?

I already called Jake's parents about this and they're coming over now.

My mom came in with a cup of water in her hands. She handed it to me and I gulped it down within a second.

"Calm down Matt, he's going to be fine." She sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. But it didn't work at all.

"What if he's not going to be okay? Or what if the babies aren't going to be okay? Mom, you don't know that. I don't know that." She sighed in defeat.

"Well, it's all up to Jake then. If he can fight it or not." She walked out the room closing my door gently. The fear was about to take over. But how do I calm myself down? This never happened to me before. The love of my life is in pain right now, and I don't even know how he's doing! Oh my god! I just said the L. word. Love.


Sorry it's too short and I'm extremely sorry I updated late. I was busy with finals. Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to comment or vote! <3


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