Chapter 4

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Yet again I lay awake with closed eyes surrounded by new smells. Deja Vu. I hear someone breathing heavily just outside the room, like they're very stressed out. Footsteps indicate that they're pacing too. Someone adjusts in what must be a chair next to me. I cautiously open my eyes only to find that i'm staring at a harsh white ceiling. A white glare surrounds me, the only comfort coming from the light blue blankets on me. My hair falls in my face but when i move my right arm to push it out of the way pain shots up my arm. I drop my arm back to my side, only causing another jolt of pain. My eyes widen as i realize where i am.

I'm in a hospital. Why am i... oh. I fell from the tree. And Ethan... Ethan! It's his fault! If he hadn't... Oh my gosh. He kissed me last night. In our tree. Lana! Where's Lana?! I try to push my self up to a sitting position with my arms. A bad mistake. I cry out in pain and a nurse rushes in, shutting the door in the pacing person's face. As she silently gives me more pain medication i look around the room more. My mom is in the chair next to me. Lana's camoflage is laying on a chair.

"Why hello there Sleeping Beauty." My mom says sleepily.

"You sound tired. Maybe you're the sleeping beauty." I say, trying to lift her obviously gloomy mood.

"Maybe." Mom laughs. Good.

"What exactly happened last night?" i ask slowly, wanting to find that it wasn't what i knew it really was.

"Well, Lana called us, it sounded like she was running after something. The sirens were sounding in the background. I thought she was running from the cops for a second," Mom laughs at the last part. "But then she told us that you fell from the tall oak in the park and were in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. They refused to let her in and she ran after them for a while but couldn't keep up. You broke your right arm and fractured a few fingers. Other than that, your left arm is pretty scratched up. Oh, and they think you may have sprained your ankle but it isn't too bad."

"Where is she?" I ask, soaking in the events.

"Charlie is forcing her to eat. She wouldn't leave your side. I must say, i was almost surprised when we picked her up from a street corner in full camoflage." Mom chuckled under her breath at my best friend's antics. I wonder what else she knows. When i didn't say anything, Mom spoke again.

"Ethan is in the hallway. I didn't want to let him in unless you wanted him to come i-"

I cut her off with a strong no.

"Honey, he's been begging me just to see if you're okay."

"Then tell him I'm fine." I say curtly before yelling toward the door," I'M FINE! NO THANKS TO YOU! YOU CAN LEAVE ME ALONE NOW!"

Mom looks at me in shock for a second. The shadow that had been pacing infront of the blinded window stopped at my voice. I could tell from the demeanor that it was Ethan. He didn't walk away, he simply sat down, probably putting his head in his hands. Maybe now he regrets what he did. Now that i've caused him some pain too.

A while later Lana and Charlie come through the door, slamming it in Ethan's face yet again. Lana, her face still streaked with camo paint, muttered something about relentless football jerks before she looked up and saw me.

"Alexa!" She squealed as she came and sat next to me on the hospital bed. She almost hugged me but at the sight of my casted and wrapped arms stopped short. I leaned forward and gave her a hug, kind of. She hugged back, giving me some of her strength in a way.

"How are you?" i ask her. She sheepishly looks at her feet.

"Don't ask how i am. You're the one in the hospital bed." She says, quieter than i've ever seen her.

"I'm fine. I'll be okay." I reply with a smile, which she returns. After a bit of coaxing i got her talking again, she monolaged about the hospital food, the smells, the people and her run after the ambulance.

"I'm pretty sure they didn't let me on because of all the camoflage... Ethan didn't even go after you. He got down from the tree and stood there. Staring in terror but not moving to help you at all. And he expects us to let him in!" She changed her topic to Ethan, one of her favorites besides my nemisis, Chloe.

"Can you please go get me some of that food you were talking about Lana?" I ask, trying to get her to stop talking about Ethan. I succeeded as she monolages about the food on her way out the door. I see her shadow reprimand Ethan's as i sigh and drift back to sleep.

I'm laying in my own bed now, they finally let me go home at about 2 that afternoon. I didn't go to school that day, neither did Lana. Charlie reported Ethan's calls and visits and I persistantly refused to see or talk to him. I suddenly feel someone staring at me. Maybe more than someone, somepeople? I turn my head to see the baseball team all standing in my room with balloons and get well cards.

"Hey Sweet-cheeks."

"Hey girl"

"Hey baby doll"

I was greeted with pet-names all around. I don't think they've ever been so sweet.

"You brought me balloons?" I ask tentatively, wondering if it's some sick joke from these mischevious freshmen.

"Of course. Our amazingly hot-" Nate is interuppted by Chase.

"Beautiful assistant coach is injured, we couldn't just wait for you to come back."

I smile. "So you just wanted a reason to see me?"

"Yeah." They all nod in agreement.

I feel so appreciated.

After they leave, I find myself extremely exhausted so i let myself drift back to sleep. Only to wake up a few hours later to another pair of eyes staring at me.

"Ethan." I say curtly.

"Alexa I-" He begins to plead.

"Save it Ethan." i start to just roll over but he comes across the room to sit on my bed.

"Alexa. I'm so sorry. I wish it was me that fell from that tree. I just want another chance and-"

"Who let you in here?"

"The- The door was unlocked a-and no one was home." He stutters out.

"I don't believe you. CHAAAARLIIIEEE!" Before i know it, my loyal little brother is standing in the doorway with ice cream and my pain meds. I can't help but smile.

"Yes Alexa?" He says, giving me the ice cream and setting the medicine on my bedside table.

"Please show Ethan the door. Lock it behind him too." I say. Ethan doesn't say anything.

I almost feel guilty when i see such dissapointment on his face as my adorable brother leads him away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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