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Wow, Draco thought Granger is looking goooood!

Draco had received an owl at Malfoy Manor earlier that day, saying that, due to his amazing work and effort at the Ministry, he would become the next Minster of Magic. As ecstatic as Draco was, he couldn't tell anyone. Soon after his father had taken the Dementor's kiss, his mother slowly started to loss the will to live and had overdosed on sleeping pills a few days before he returned home from finishing his 7th year at Hogwarts, because he was forced not to go by his father and Voldermort. He couldn't tell Blaise or Pansy as they were so engrossed in planning the wedding of the year to pay any attention to the outside world. They had loved each other for years and finally decided to get together after the disaster of the battle. Draco was happy for them.

He was in Kingley's office because there were a few scraps of paper work that needed to be filled in early and as he was planning on taking a long weekend, he wanted them done asap. He had just finished and was sitting back in the big leather chair behind the desk, basking in the warm heat of the fire when Granger walked in. She had matured an awful lot since Hogwarts. True, at Hogwarts she had the mind of a woman, but now she had the body to match. In around their third year, she cut off some of her bushy curls and began to straighten them slightly so she looked less like she had been dragged through a bush backwards and more straight out a fashion magazine.

In their first two years of Hogwarts, he had bullied Hermione purely because he was hurt that Potter didn't want to be his friend and so loathed Hermione and Ron because they were. And in around their third year, he started to notice how pretty she was becoming. He really began to fall hard for her when she punched him in the face. God, he thought, She's hot when she's angry.

She was standing there in the doorway, hands on her hips glaring at him. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" Her eyes were hard and her lips were in a flat line. Her hair, which was supposed to have been in a pony tail, was coming loose and few stray curls framed her face. She looks amazing especially in that skirt... Draco mused.

Hermione pulled Draco out of his musings by saying in a hard flat voice, "Leave."

Draco decided to play the obnoxious arrogant jerk and spread his arms wide. "Why should I leave my office Granger?"

Hermione's jaw hit the floor. His office?! HIS OFFICE?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! HE cant be minster for magic!! I don't want to work under him! As she looked at him, half his handsome face bathed in fire light, a traitorous part of her mind said You may not want to WORK under him, but you defiantly want to be under him. She blushed deeply, hoping that the glow of the fire hid it. "Your office Malfoy? Really? Prove it." She crossed her arms and looked defiant, shutting up that noise in the back of her mind. he had to admit, part of that voice was right. Draco's white blond hair, which was almost gold in the firelight, was shaggy and soft looking and Hermione couldn't help but wonder if it was as soft as it looked. She longed to run her fingers through it to find out. His arms, bared to the glow of the fire as he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, looked tanned and bronze, even though Hermione knew they were pale. They were strong looking and muscular and Hermione was sure his chest was just the same. As Malfoy stood up, Hermione couldn't help but notice a slight bulge in his pants by the zipper of his suit trousers. She blushed again.

He removed a sheet of parchment of from his trouser pocket and held it out too her. Because she was by the door way, she had to walk across he room to get it. Before she had a chance to open up the parchment, Draco asked if she could please close the door as it was letting the cold air in. For a moment, she stood in shock then quickly walked to the door and closed it. Malfoy, DRACO Malfoy said please!!! He must have had a major attitude adjustment since Hogwarts since he just used to bark orders at people.

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