BTS mansion pt.1

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You were on the verge of tears, you lost the job you loved due to a budget cut, it's so difficult to find a job these days,  you flipped through the magazines and newspapers, you were at your favorite coffee shop, obviously you weren't going to cry in front of everybody here. You had so much skills yet there wasn't a job here for you in Seoul, how were you going to tell your mom that you can't manage on your own? This was all to stressful for you, bills would soon be piling up and you had no money to pay any! You went up to go use the restroom still having thoughts on trying to fix your life, you bummed your head into someone else,"ow!" You yelled, you looked down at a very handsome guy on the floor,"OH MY GOD!I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and I -" he got up," it's okay, I see that your busy over there, besides I wouldn't be such a gentleman if I had yelled at a beautiful girl". You blushed," thank you, I just got a little distracted, trying to find a job and all", " I know how hard it can be, but maybe if your interested I am currently looking for a new maid"," really! That would be great thank you so much!" He gave you his number and his address," oh I never caught your name", "its namjoon". Namjoon...

You woke up to the sound of your alarm ringing on your phone, today you started your job as Namjoon's maid, thank God he had offered you a job, you would have been dead by now. You put on your maid uniform and headed out the door, was it going to be like a porno where the maid gets hit on by the master? You wouldn't mind but it was too far fetched, only your imagination, who were you kidding?
You pulled up to the drive way to a big ass mansion, man Namjoon must be loaded! You climbed up the front stairs, and knocked on the door, it took a while but someone opened the door, it was another man his chiseled face was beautiful yet he looked tired and lazy," can I help you?" He had a slow turtle voice," uh is namjoon home? I'm the new maid." He yawned and rubbed his eyes " my name is yoongi, come on in". It was 12 in the afternoon why did he barley wake up? He closed the door and yelled,"  NAMJOOOONNN!!!" That was weird, he slurred his words like a drunk but now he yelled louder than ever, you saw him run down the stairs and immediately saw you, a smile grew in his face," so glad you could make it 
(y/n)!" "So umm where should I start?"  " oh upstairs I guess, supplies will be in the little closer near the bathroom".
You were done cleaning Yoongi's room and the main bathroom and the stair and the kitchen and everywhere else except for Namjoon's room, aka the main bedroom. You started by picking up his laundry, you almost fell until someone caught you," that was a close on (y/n), don't want to get hurt." It was Namjoon again," oh..thank you, hehe, I guess I'm just a little distracted ."" I'm a little distracted myself." There was a long moment of silence and you could see him biting his lip,"ummm y-yeah, how c-come Namjoon?"" Please, call me master." Suddenly, he pushes you onto the bed, "Namjoon!" He climbs on top of you,"I told you to call me MASTER!"

To be continued.....

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