Chapter 16: The Shocker

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(Cleo's P.O.V)

Ok yes it's weird, how could I figure this out? How could I possibly come up with the conclusion that Summer is using something to create evil supernatural minions?

Well, with the use of the intellegence ability of course.

I analyzed my surroundings but a certain detail caught my eye. Their eyes.

I looked closely as possible and noticed that they all have something in commen, they all had black specs in them. And then I thought to myself, how weird is it that they all seem to have this common feature.

Then when Niall and Louis came in carrying Harry, I noticed the same eye feature in Louis. I'm surprised Liam didn't see anything different in him. Probably to concerned with Zayn and why he passed out.

I thought that something was definitley weird and Louis acting out in such a rash manner proved my claims.

So obvioulsy, there must be some way Summer is making supernaturals join her side other than 'asking' them. But then how come only Louis changed while the others didn't?

"Hey Niall, can I talk to you privately?" I asked him who was currently occupying the chair. His eyes flickered up from their gazing position on the floor onto me and nodded while slowly getting up. Harry was still laying on the bed and Louis was laying next to him, passed out from the strength of my smack. It's been an hour and outside is a wreck, therefore we have failed and didn't save Liverpool.

Police cars littered the streets, everyone of them looking at the damage and I guess analyzing it to see what happened. Also, there were many news reporters talking into their microphones and some ambulances, although there isn't any civilians on the streets so I guessed they ran inside the buildings for protection.

I beckoned him to follow me quietly as Zayn was sleeping on the sofa. Liam nodded at me as I walked passed him out the door with Niall following me. I quietly closed the door and made my way to the stairs. I could sense Niall's confusion but he followed anyway.

I reached up onto they roof and I heard Niall close the roof door. I went to sit at the edge of the building, feet dangling off and waited for Niall to sit next to me.

It was quiet for the first three minutes but I then decided to break the silence.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

I saw Niall look up at me and then the other way.

"When you left, it was only Harry, Louis and I. I quickly remade my wind shield once I thought they were in a good radius from me but...but I was wrong." Niall said sadly.

"What do you mean by 'wrong'?" I asked.

"Harry was trapped in the shield but Louis was a little off. He kept trying to come in was all just a blur really. I was losing energy quickly. All I saw was Summer descending and a little while after Louis was shoved into my shield and..." Niall turned his head around a bit quickly to see behind us and turned back to me. Speaking more rapidly.

"I didn't want to say this earlier alright but...Louis started attacking Harry while they were both in the shield. I started to panic I guess and I was so confused so my shield went down a bit. And...I went to attack Louis because he was hurting Harry pretty bad. He sorta got knocked to his feet and he looked like he was struggling internally so he just grabbed Harry and hauled him up."

I was shocked on two conditions. My theory was right and they fact that Niall was telling me this now. But I guess I couldn't blame him though. Once he reached back it was Zayn and Louis attacking each other throats.

Going In A Super Natural Direction (1D/Z.M) *HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now