Chapter three : Somewhat Sticky

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My heart was racing from the time of us running down the street to exiting the shop with our frozen treats. He let my hand go once we stepped inside the shop but my hand still felt warm. I would occasionally glance at him, trying to catch a smile, I don't know what it was about him, I always dated the cheerleaders, I was a ladys man untill the freckled dork came along. I was told not to I came to college but, what I've also been told is that you can love who ever.

"Hey Jean?" Marco asked looking over to me with a raised brow. I shook my head slightly, free of thoughts, "Yeah? "I licked the ice cream as I waited an answer. "We should go out every Friday night.. Eren and the others always go over to Armin's dorm and we just..well hang out" He laughs softly before taking a lick of his treat. "We've been doing this sence High school, but we would go to Armin's house" He smiles "y'know what I mean" I couldn't help but chuckle "Right, well. I'll think about it" I was silent for a few minutes"yeah okay, I'll tag along" I looked over at him seeing his freckles jump on his cheeks as he smiled widely but suddenly my eyes darted to the trash can in front of me "mnf-" the ice cream splattered on my jacket and some got on my jaw "fuck" I curse softly wiping my jacket off and stumbling back from the can, I look sideways at him only to find him coving his mouth to stop a chuckle "oh god, are you okay?" His eyebrows raise and blush blossoms up my neck and over my cheeks "what? Yeah, Yeah im okay" I smile awkwardly and toss the rest of treat away and I do my best to clean off.


Once back to the dorm I removed my shirt with out a thought of Marco seeing. I toss the peice of cloth onto my bed and I groan looking at the sticky vanilla that had gotten on on my neck. "Oh" Marco blushes slightly and drifts over to his bed and I storm into the bathroom with my pajamas clenched in my fists, closing the door I lean against it with a soft groan "Get a hold of yourself" I bark with fully flushed cheeks.

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