9-The Realm of Doctor Who Part 2

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When Eve awoke, she could tell that a large amount of time had passed. Her body no longer hurt at all, but fatigue still weighed her down like bricks. Sighing, Eve rose from the bed, manually changed her clothes, and walked out of the infirmary.
The TARDIS was like a maze! Eve wandered about, searching for a bathroom. After a fifth wrong turn, Eve plopped down onto the ground in frustration and exhaustion. Then, a door popped out of the wall in front of her. Eve opened it and found a bathroom with a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste. She pressed her hand against the wall and muttered "thank you." Then went to clean up.
After she was done, she exited right into the control room. "Hmph, that wasn't there before. Thanks!" She patted the wall and walked in, admiring the central controls and the tall green glass cylinder.
Eve's eyes roamed the large room and she startled when she noticed the Doctor standing with his head bowed, his hands on the console.
"Doctor?" She asked tentatively.
He startled and jolted upright. "Eve, you're awake!"
"Yeah. Um... how long was I sleeping? What's happened?" She asked.
"You've been asleep for about two months." he stated plainly.
"WHAT?!" Eve exclaimed. Then, she began going over the list of episodes in her head. "Oh..." she said quietly when she realized what she had missed. Donna was now gone, with no memory of the Doctor, and Rose, oh Rose, she was with a human version of the Doctor, leaving the Time Lord version all alone.
Except for her. Eve walked up to him and put a hand on his should, barely able to do that comfortably, because he was so tall. "I'm sorry. I should have been able to help! I should have-"
"Eve," he cut her off. "There is nothing you could have done. Besides, they're all happy, now."
"But what about you? You aren't happy and don't bother denying it."
He sighed. "No, I'm not, but I've been alone before."
"I know you have, but now you have me." Eve insisted.
The Doctor looked confused. "What do you mean?"
Eve sighed and rolled her eyes. "What I mean is that I'll be your companion. At least for a while. Keep you company."
"Really?" he asked.
"Yes. I know it doesn't end well when you are alone for too long. Also, you and the TARDIS took care of me for two months! Let me at least repay the favor." She said.
The Doctor seemed to brighten a little. "Thank you, Eve."
For the next two months, Eve accompanied the Doctor on many adventures. She even got to visit the Titanic! Let's just say that it wasn't an accident that the ship hit the iceberg. Some very rude aliens needed to cause a tragedy in order to infiltrate the human population by pretending to be escaped victims. The Doctor and Eve stopped the aliens but the ship sinking was "a fixed point in time that can't be stopped without tearing reality apart."
After another successful adventure, Eve and The Doctor were laughing about what had happened.
"Did you see his face when you got out of the ropes!" The Doctor laughed.
"Yeah! He was so confused! All I did was chat them a little! That rope was so bad quality, honestly-" she never got to finish her sentence. A large burst of energy welled up inside of her, uncontrollable. Her necklace seared blazing hot against her skin and the world faded away. She heard the Doctor calling her name, but that soon faded as she reappeared somewhere else.
Eve stumbled a bit, then regained her bearings and looked about. A sky full of zeppelins, a different version of London. "Oh, my gods! I'm in Pete's World! Why did I end up here?" Eve thought to herself. Then she heard a crash, a scream, and the honking of many horns.
Turning on the spot, Eve looked towards the street and saw there had been an accident. Traffic had stopped and a blonde woman was bent over the person had been struck. Without stopping to think, Eve ran towards them, hoping she could help. She knelt down next to the blonde woman and startle when she saw the faces of both her and the man. It was Rose Tyler and the human version of the Doctor, John Smith.
John's unfocused eyes slid from Rose over to Eve. "Eve?" He mumbled. Despite the fact that he was half human, he still shared all the Doctor's memories, and the Doctor had met Eve prior to his creation.
"Yeah. John, I can try to heal you with my powers." Eve suggested.
"Too... late." He groaned, and Eve knew that to be true by the ominous glaze creeping over his eyes. She decided to buy him a little bit of time instead, so she closed her eyes and let a golden glow surround her. Drawing on Apollo's blessing, she breathed just a little bit of life left into him.
Once she was done, John said "Take Rose back... to him. I know... you can." Eve nodded, her hand pressed to her mouth, then retreated a few steps so that John and Rose could talk.
She watched as they exchanged words and shared a final kiss, and as Rose shook his limp body. Eve walked over to Rose, and took her by the shoulders, looking her in the face. "Rose, I know that you don't know me, but I've met the Doctor. I'm so sorry that I couldn't save John, but it is within my power to take you back to the Doctor. That's what John requested I do."
"I-I know, he told me, but how can I just leave him?" She was clutching his wedding ring in her hand.
"I'm so sorry, Rose. I can take you back and forth. You won't be abandoning him." Eve reassured.
Rose just nodded through her tears.
Eve waved a hand, and John's body disappeared. "He's somewhere safe, now." She promised Rose. Then, she took Rose's arm and focused. They reappeared in the area around the corner from Rose's flat in a snow storm. Through the falling flakes, Eve saw the Doctor stumbling, then fall to the snowy ground. "Doctor!" Both Rose and Eve cried, and they both rushed over to him.
Rose knelt next to him, putting her hand on his chest. He looked up at her through glazed eyes. "Rose...?"
"Yeah, I'm here, Doctor." Rose said through her tears.
"Impossible..." the Doctor muttered.
"Nothing's impossible, Doctor! You taught me that!" Rose said.
A faint smile broke through the Doctor's grimace of pain. Eve laid a hand on the Doctor's forehead, trying to sense what was wrong. She almost pulled her hand away after feeling the searing heat of his skin. Impressions of fire and agony traveled through her, but Eve dove deeper, searching for the source. She sent a mental message to Rose. Rose, keep him talking and awake! This doesn't look very good.
I could have told you that! was Rose's response, but she did what Eve asked.
When Eve finally found the source of the Doctor's agony, she winced in sympathy. You foolish Time Lord! He had absorbed a fatal amount of radiation, then put off his regeneration for so long, that the radiation caused a lot of damage and the regeneration energy had started to burn up his cells instead of healing them. The radiation had taken such deep root that the regeneration energy was trying to re-write it instead of get rid of it. If Eve didn't stop this soon, the Doctor would be dead, no coming back.
Rose, Eve said, I can save the Doctor by removing some of his regeneration energy, but I can't absorb it because of the way my DNA is structured. What I could do is... give it to you. I'm not possitive what will happen, but I think it might make you a Time Lady. Or, it could kill you. I leave the choice to you.
Rose looked determined. "Do it. If it'll save the Doctor, do it." Gathering her strength, Eve kept her hand on the Doctor's forehead and took one of Rose's hands and began to draw the harmful regeneration energy out of the Doctor's body, through herself and into Rose. She heard a little gasp from Rose and a groan from the Doctor.
Eve felt the energy pulse through her like fire, burning her. Struggling, she bowed her head and continued to pull all of it away.
What felt like an eternity later, Eve released Rose's hand, and Rose passed out into the snow. Using the last dregs of her strength, she healed the Doctor's radiation poisoning by absorbing it herself, then collapsed.
All three of them were unconscious in the snow, a few yards from a deep blue box that meant safety and home for all three of them.

A/N: Okay, here's another chapter for all of you. I hope that you enjoyed it. I know that a lot happened, so if you have any questions about it, please ask. I hope that it was acceptable.
Good evening, everyone, and have a good night.

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