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3 days after marriage;

"Babyyy, where did you put my underwear?" I yelled across the room while you were in the veranda, staring something that caught your attention so much.

I earned zero response from you so I ramble over to where you are standing and slowly tighten my arms around your slim and well-toned waist.

"What're you thinking baby?" I snuggled closer to your neck, breathe in that familiar scent of yours.

"I-I was just thinking, what if we never met on that bridge? Are we still able to make it till this day?" you asked while taking a deep purifying air.

"If it was fated that you're going to be mine, we will always meet at the finishing line, no matter where we are, Jimin," I held on you tighter, scared that you might slip away.

"Jungkook-ah, aren't you mad at me for leaving you at the first place?"

"I'm not, as long as we are together now, till death do us apart," I smiled, placing a delicate peck against your neck.

Comfortable silence pregnant between us, allowing Jimin and I to enjoy this very moment together; with nobody disturbing us.

"Sweetheart?" I called, earning a hum from you.

"Why did you insist of leaving me so much last time?"

"I'm not perfect Jungkook, and you're too flawless for me," you lowered down your head.

I hate it when you look down yourself, I hate it when you said you are not good enough for me.

"Nobody is perfect for me except you, Jimin. Is it that if we didn't meet on that day, you will never find me?" my voice cracked a little.

"Because at that moment I met you back on the bridge, I believe in destiny." You blurted, making my heart skips a beat and your words allowed a chill tumbling down my spine.

"No matter what, just promise you'll never leave me again," I said, making you turned around and looked at me in the eyes.

I really can't afford of losing you.

"I won't and I never will," with that, you tipped toes and wrapped your arms around my neck.

I responded to your hug, wanting this moment to last forever and always.

- Officially the end -

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