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Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

"TO CONCLUDE, when Christianity was founded, its followers were deemed as crazy and threats to society. Christians, like Jews, were persecuted for worshiping the wrong God. However, Christianity is one of the most commonly-practiced religions in the world today" 

"Great report, Yagami" The teacher commended the student, whom of which was now sitting down, " I expected nothing short of exceptional from you" Praise rained down onto your classmate Light Yagami from the teacher -it was almost a marker of the day. You would come into class, there would be a lecture, the teacher would follow up the lecture with a question, Light Yagami would expertly answer it, and then the teacher would shower praise onto your fellow classmate. This was the most predictable part of the day.

This wasn't to say that every aspect of your day was not predictable. On the contrary, you could map out your daily doing down to the very last minute. Over the past few months that you had lived in the Kanto region of Japan, everything had become predictable. Sure, in the beginning it had been different and interesting. After all, you were living in a foreign country; there was always a rush of excitement that came with living in a new country. The culture high was always amazing. However, with every lasting high - there was a low that lasted even longer. And over the past month, you had had reached that low level of disinterest. Now, the Japanese culture was just a part of daily life; the walk home, where you were surrounded by the aromas of the bustling market around you, was even remotely exciting.

Even the KIRA case had lost its exotic flavor.

Admittedly, when your father had told you that you were moving to Japan so that he could work on the KIRA case, you had been elated. Of course, he had originally insisted that you and your mother stay behind, as this case could be dangerous. But you breathed for adventure just as much as you breathed for new experiences. And what newer of an experience was there to experience than experiencing the KIRA case firsthand? After weeks of persisting, you had finally convinced him to allow you and your mother to tag along on this new adventure. For the first few months of living here, you had lived for coming home and receiving the newest tidbit of information about KIRA that your father reluctantly spilled over dinner; you had lived to see the realization of your dream that your father, one of the best FBI Agents the United States had to offer, help solve this case and bring justice to what was nothing more than idealistic scum hiding behind a labyrinth of puzzles.

But as the leads got few and far between, and when your dad seemed to come home with black circles of defeat wearing underneath his eyelids, the case had lost its luster. According to him, The World's Greatest Detective was jumping from lead to juvenile lead with no real hard evidence to go off of. After months of following useless lead after useless lead, even the Kira case had gotten boring. 

People lived; People died. It was just another day.

Yes, Light Yagami, so smart . . . Light Yagami, boy genius you thought bitterly to yourself, your nose crinkling in distaste at the consistent praise your fellow classmate received as the class was dismissed. In all fairness, you hadn't ever talked to the guy; you had no right to dislike him so much. Even so, that didn't matter; you, like everybody else, had the natural disposition that caused you to dislike anyone that had a semblance of being smarter than you. Light Yagami, boy genius, Light Yagami, Boy Wonder you slung your backpack over your right shoulder, neglecting to hear something clank against the ground, Light Yagami, next Bill Gates!

"Excuse me"

A soft voice accompanied by a gentle tap against your left shoulder had snapped you out of your thoughts and you turned from the doorway of the classroom to face its owner, whom of which was none other than the famous Light Yagami himself. Looking him up and down, you concluded that he wasn't bad-looking. In fact, he was incredibly good-looking; he had the kind of good looks that were truly God-Given. It made you dislike him even more.

"What?" You asked a bit bitterly, though trying to refrain from completely snapping.

"You dropped this"

The taller boy extended his right hand, holding out the pen that you had neglected to pick up from the floor.

"Oh" You commented, now feeling a bit guilty that you had been so short with him, ". . . Thank you . . ."

"No problem" His lips seemed to offer a friendly smile.

And as you reached out and grabbed the pencil from his hand, his eyes met yours and you could have sworn that you had caught a glimpse of something ethereal and wicked lingering in his muddied gaze - something that you had not been expecting to follow up such a friendly smile.

It must be nothing more than your imagination.

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