Black and White

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It doesn’t matter what poetry you read or stories you hear
Nor does it matter what your parents or grandparents say
Life is and always will be
Nothing but black and white
Now, I know what is going through your mind
Because the same thing did laps in mine
But hear me out and just listen
Maybe I can convince you otherwise
Black and white black and white black and white
Love and hate
Like and dislike
Light and dark
Life and death
Life is nothing more than a hodgepodge of opposites
Our opposites make who we are
I love the colour purple
I know those who think it repulsive
We say we love like a sweet, soft kiss goodnight
We say we hate like venom
All of us are defined by our opposites
Yet in our world of stark inks and contradictions
There is one area where opposites meet
Where the anti-colours mix
Perhaps you know of it
Perhaps you do not
I call it the gray place
The gray place
The gray place is sacred and hallowed for those who live like me
Maybe you are more like me then you choose to believe
The blurry line between love and hate and life and death
And black and white
Live like I live and see how I see
And you will find the aching clawing desperation for that place
Your whole being torn between opposites
Your life full of contradictions
The voices of God and the Devil whispering constantly
The gray place is sweet honey
The morphine for the pain and tearing of life
The ache in your bones
You can find the gray place in the stars
In the mixing of colours at dawn and twilight
The quiet hum of the forest
The laughter of a child
The gray place is the fine line between broken and fixed
Between barely holding it together and falling apart
The fabled grounds of existence
The difference between living and simply not dying
The gray place is the only solace from the stark ink of black and the pure snow of white
But the light cannot exist in the dark
It is true
You cannot strike a match in the pitch darkness of a room
And say to the darkness “Be still restless one”
Because the moment the match is struck and the flames come to life
The light consumes the dark and sends it fleeing
And you say there is no gray place for the light and dark
But strike your match
Light a candle on your pitch darkness
Take a step back and another and another
You can still see the light
But you see nothing but the light
Around you the the restless darkness swirls around you
But you can see the light
Life and death
Dark and light
Love and hate
The world is full of opposites
Do not listen to what anyone tells you
Because while there are areas where the two mix
Life is only and very simply
Black and white

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