2: Grimmauld Place

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Remus returned a few hours later, without the body, and we returned home. Well, I went home and he accompanied Tonks.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't going back to Hogwarts. They were searching for Horcruxes, finishing what Dumbledore started. They had to make Voldemort mortal again, so Harry could defeat him. They had entrusted me with this information, just so someone on the outside knew what was going on. So that someone could continue if they perished.

Many others knew I was one of the few that knew this. This caused many questions, none of which I answered. They didn't want anyone else knowing.

I wasn't going back either. No half-breeds were allowed in Hogwarts anymore, so there was essentially a whole new law put in place to ban one pupil. Because I was known by Voldemort for helping Harry, I knew he might try and get to me. For that reason, I had decided the best idea would be to leave. Remus planned to get married to Tonks and I couldn't ruin their happy ever after.

Before I left, I had to go to Bill and Fleur's wedding. I felt I had to, otherwise it would be disrespectful and I'm sure none of them would talk to me again.

A few nights later, it was a full moon. I refused to allow Remus to go to the Ministry anymore, in fear they wouldn't let him out. Tonks agreed with me so he was in the cellar and I had to find somewhere else.

I decided to go to Grimmauld Place. I didn't tell anyone, I just went. After passing the protection spells that were put up to stop Snape, I made my way down into the cellar that I used to transform in.

The next morning, I felt like crap but I decided to stay in the house a little longer. I could still smell Sirius and, although most of his stuff was gone, I decided to see what I could find. His little den was untouched. It was still covered in posters of his favourite bands and, even after many years, it still smelt of teenage boy.

I jumped in shock as a package slipped through the letterbox. Why was someone sending something here? As I got closer, I recognised the handwriting. Sure enough, the package contained a number of potions.

You need to keep at full strength during these times

I stared in shock at the letter. Snape, the supposed traitor, still sent me potions like he had when things were normal. I hesitated before downing the potions. Sure enough, they were just potions. Nothing funny about them at all. It was perhaps unwise to trust the potions so easily, but after what had happened the night of Dumbledore's death, I had suspicions about what really went down.

Confused, I left the house. I Apparated back to Remus' house and got quizzed on where I had gone as I ate breakfast.

"Grimmauld Place," I told Remus and Tonks through mouthfuls of toast.

"Was that really a good idea?" Remus looked concerned.

"I was fine. It was... comforting," I told him.

That day it was Harry's birthday. Remus decided I looked too ill to go out and forced me to stay at home. He wished Harry a happy birthday from me and came back with a piece of cake. They had left early because the Minister was there - very anti-werewolf.

It was the day of the wedding, and Tonks had bought a baby blue dress for me to wear.

I groaned at the sight of it and her and Remus glared at me.

"Go put it on," Remus said in a sharp tone, making me flinch.

Head down, I made my way to my room and put it on. I cast a spell to hide most of my scars and made sure the heart necklace that Josh gave me on my birthday was visible. I never took it off. Fleur had spoken to me and told me to invite Josh. She wanted everyone to have someone to go with.

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